Smoke and Ancient Mirrors | 煙と古代の鏡

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I grabbed Kyoko's hand while Yukari took Vera's, before we fled.

"I'll try to explain this to you, afterwards, but for now, we need to leave this place!" I said and I saw Kyoko nod before we ran. As soon as we got to a safe spot, Kyoko made me release her hand and she stood in front of all of us.

"Just what's going on exactly!?"

Kyoko's question was met with silence at first until they heard a British voice speak...

"That would be Rehearsal with CGI." Everyone looked up and saw Gideon who leapt down from the tree line, with his white jeans, his white jacket unzipped and bandages in place of his hoodie and shirt, which were both too damaged to continue wearing, and his black gloves.

"Gi-Gideon-kun!?! I thought Ruby said..."

"Ruby did say that it'd take an hour, but I felt a bit better and Dante wanted me to check up on you all. Besides, I couldn't just leave my lover to celebrate the festival alone." Gideon said this to Tsukune, only to see Kurumu hug her lover and Vera looked at me and before she said anything, Kyoko interrupted her.

"Wait, if this is CGI, we'll have nothing to worry about, right?" Kyoko's question made the British boy lie through his teeth.

As soon as everyone continued to follow Tsukune, I felt Vera grabbed my arm.

"Hey Moka-chan, tell me... What's really going on here? I know for a fact that bullet wounds don't heal within forty minutes and it's not everyday or even rarely you see a giant frog. What's this school, really..." As Vera stopped me, I looked down.

"Listen, Vera-san.... If I tell you... You wouldn't try to remove Tsukune from here, right." I said this only for her to look up.

"Knowing that Tsukune's protected by you and his friends if something goes down, I'll have nothing to worry about. I might just enroll here myself, however. I've been wanted to come to school with him, instead of an all girl's school." Vera saying that made me smile and I hugged her.

"Vera, you have no idea how much this means to me... Thank you." As I said this, I hugged her and we caught up to the others. Apparently, there was a second giant frog and Kyoko was gone...

"Wait, let me get this straight, there's a Mirror, a special mirror that can reveal the true Nature of those who look into it. It's called the Ririsu Mirror." Mizore's question got Gideon looked up more interested in the mirror... But I'm worried about Kyoko's whereabouts. "Yes, the Mirror was in a manila envelope..." As soon as the bus driver stated this, everyone made a blank face before realizing that the only person with an envelope... Was... Kyou-san...


I hate how Tsukune's been treating me and Vera. Using CGI to hopefully scare us away. I opened the envelope and I saw a mirror.

Wondering what it could do, I started to shake the mirror only to here a voice of something mythical and they said, "Stop shaking me, this hurts!! Wait, are you my new master?" As I was asked by a miniature creature who came out the mirror revealed herself. I could only start laughing. First CGI, now a magic trick. I can't say I'm scared anymore.

"Wait, you're just some sort of magical entity? And what do you mean, "master'" As I said that, the Fairy, I think, flew up with the mirror in it's arms.

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