Belligerence & A Vampire | ベリゲレンスと吸血鬼

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"...You will be sacrificed!" I could see and hear Kuyo scream this and he burned me, again. When I woke up, I saw that everything was normal and I was in my bedroom, and so was Moka! "Oh Tsukune, you're finally awake." Don't get me wrong, I find Moka to be very adorable, especially with an apron on, but it's pretty revealing and with us in a room together, my room to be more precise, my thoughts are flooding with those of lust. "M-Moka-san!" I said this and she ran and hugged me, before a pot of hot water fell onto me... After I dried myself off, Moka was done with breakfast. I tried my first bit of it and it tasted a bit different than normal. "Moka-san, it tastes different than the breakfast you made last time." I said this happily and she blushed a bit. "Oh, you noticed. I used herbal water instead of the normal water that you'd be used to. Do you like it?" Moka's question got me to nod instantly. After we finished, we got ready. The other girls followed and we barely managed to catch up with Dante and Gideon. "Sup. You really did hand Kuyo's ass to him." Dante saying this confused me. I asked Dante, "How could I have beaten Kuyo?" "Oh... You don't remember? Forget I said anything..." Dante said this and he started pacing ahead until we get to class.

As we learn about what more tactics monster can use to blend with humans, I raised hand, hoping I could go to the restroom. "Tsukune, question?" "Nekonome-sensei, may I be excused to the restroom?" I asked and as soon as the neko gave me a nod, I left. I went to the restroom and as soon as I finished on the urinal, a boy, who is way taller and bigger than me walked up to me and he yelled this, "You've got some serious guts, kid. Beatin' up Kuyo and taking my title as ONE OF the TOUGHEST STUDENTS of Yokai." "I-I think you're mistaken! I did no such thing! You're confusing me with someone else." I said these words and right before I could waltz out, a third voice had an objection.

"No he ain't. It was in fact you, who beat Kuyo." Gin walking out to make that statement didn't make things better, as a matter of fact, I think it made things worse. "Ginei Morioka... I want to put you in your place, too... But that'll have to wait." The brute saying this made Ginei shoot a death stare, I've never seen before. "Yeah, yeah.... Now get lost, Rikiishi." Ginei saying this with a tone as cold as that made the kid walk out.

"Wow Tsukune-kun, toughest student in Yokai... No wonder you've gotten Chopper's attention. Yeah, that kid's name is Chopper Rikiishi. He was the strongest student, until you and Gideon usurped that title by beating Kuyo. Don't tell Dante I said this, but he obtained the title of Prettiest person in school. The label is person because they can't determine his gender, with that long hair of his." Ginei saying this made me laugh a bit. "Anyway, you were able to retaliate against Kuyo because Moka injected some of her blood within you, making you a... Not a vampire, but ghoul, maybe." My heart dropped as Ginei said this... How could Moka do such a thing?

I ran out of the bathroom, only to knock into Gideon. "Ouch... Watch your footing you fuc- Oh, heya Tsukune-kun. Dude, where've you been? Nekonome sent me out here to look for you. Wait... You're paler than normal? You need me to walk you to the nurse?" He asked this and I looked up. "At this point, that would be best..." I admitted this before we began walking to the nurse. The second we opened the door, we were greeted to a disturbed Ruby and a worried Nurse Tomoka. "Can I lay him down here for a bit, he doesn't look good, at all." Gideon's statement got me a decent little bed and he looked over me. "I'll tell Moka-san you're here. She might come for you after class if we're lucky. I can't stay here, however. I've got gym next and Kotsubo is very strict on his attendance. I'll catch you before lunch, but until then, rest up, 'kay?" Gideon acting as if he were my little brother made me comfortable. I nodded and he walked to the door. "Ruby-san, please take care of him." The British boy said that before he vanished, leaving no trace of him being here.


Gideon appeared in class right as the bell rang and the teacher eyed everyone down, before he saw me. "Hmm... You don't look too manly... But you don't look too much like a girl either... Excluding that hair of course... Alright, well like Rizona, as the new student, I want you to spar. You can spar with Rizona and Rikiishi. Rizona, you'll be the new girl's tag partner." The teacher was making me restrain myself from kicking him in the mouth. I walked onto the mat and Rikiishi stood ahead of me and Gideon. With my gym outfit being a bit of a deviation to the rules (Shorts with black cloth covering my legs and a black long sleeve tight shirt, my hidden blade and rosaries were concealed. I walked closer to my adversary, my walk turning into a run and I tried to kick Rikiishi in the face but he ducked it and went for a punch to my stomach only for Gideon to drop kick in his arm.

We were both punching and kicked at the giant but he wouldn't fall. He knocked us both back and I looked at Gideon before the teacher stopped the fight. "Okay you both showed good effort for you to be pitted against Chopper Rikiishi." The teacher's comment made me and Gideon stand up. Kurumu was looking at us both and my British sibling was angered. He walked through Kotsubo and he revealed his black aura.

"Hey, it's just a spar, you aren't holding a grudge over that, are you?" A kid with red hair and round glasses asked the question and Gideon started speaking, but he was speaking a forbidden language, used for the darkest of magic. Even as a half-breded Yasha, I wasn't allowed to study this magic or language. I knew I had to act so I ran and cover Gideon's mouth. "Kuso baka! (Fucking idiot!) Are you trying to kill everyone in here!?!" I asked this and he silenced himself and his muffled speech, so I released him. He looked up at the class and Kotsubo looked at him in shock. The bell rang and we walked out. Tsukune joined us and tapped Moka's shoulder before those two left.

Rooftop - Moka

I'm worried about how Tsukune is acting. He's not moving as close to me as before... Did he found out through someone other than me? I was stopped because I heard Tsukune mumble something. "Come again, Tsukune?" "You... Should've let me die. I still valued my humanity... All of this to ruin my... You've basically taken away the one thing I valued most..." As Tsukune said this, I began tearing up. Tsukune was right... I didn't even have his permission... But then again, I couldn't have just let him die. It wasn't long before a boy with blond hair came up the stairs and looked at Tsukune. "Alright, enough stalling! I want to fight you, in your true form." The boy said this before entering his form, revealing a troll. He then grabbed me and started pushing his thumb upwards. "You'll fight me or I'll pop your lady friend's head off." He said this before forcing Tsukune against a wall by hitting him. "Are you trying to hold back? Offend me? Well don't forget what I'm capable of." The boy said this and I saw a red aura form around Tsukune and he kicked the boy in his chest, knocking him back and freeing me. Tsukune tried to get closer but Gideon appeared in front of him. "Sorry Tsukune-kun, but I've got some animosity to let off. Chopper Rikiishi... Today is the day you die, friend!" Gideon said this and something was off, it's like Gideon had become evil... This wasn't like Gideon to fight someone blindly... I would think...

I saw Chopper, I'm guessing, stand up and Gideon kicked him in the stomach, putting him back down on his knees. Then the Immortal stomped on his back, causing him to fall. Afterwards, he grabbed the giant troll by the... Quills (I'm assuming) on his back and he broke off the biggest one and started to beat the troll with it, until Tsukune ran and grabbed our friend. "That's enough, Gideon-kun! Anymore and you'll kill him!" When Tsukune said this, Gideon looked like he was calming down, only to kick the troll in the face. "Well, that was the point. I wanted make him pay for the shit he did early... Trying to prove a point got him in this situation." Gideon said this and spit at the bloodied and beaten Rikiishi. After Gideon walked away, Tsukune hugged me. "Moka-san... I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry... Maybe me being... Well... Whatever I am, isn't bad. Yes I no longer have my humanity, but if it means I can protect you, the girls, Dante, and Gideon, I can live with this." As Tsukune said this I could only blush. "Tsu-Tsukune, you're too cute." I said this and as my inner self chuckled I was a bit embarrassed. "Hmph, no way I'd give you the power to match me... Know your place, Tsukune Aono." My Inner self said this to the point where it was audible to me and Tsukune.

I hope you all enjoy and I really do appreciate you guys taking time, just to view this. That actually touches my heart.
We love y'all
Blood × KatherineXwO

Next Chapter: Planning & An Immortal

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