Summer Kisses [Epilogue] | 夏のキス[エピローグ]

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I laid on my bed waiting for another text from Gideon but I heard the front door open and my mother walked in and looked at me. "Hey, your boy toy is here, Kurumu." My mom saying this made me a bit mad, seeing that Gideon was more than just an object. As soon as he walked back here, my mom left the room and I hugged him, lowering him to my level, which ended with his face in my breasts. He started rubbing and groping me super hard, so I released his hair, reluctantly. "Gideon, you have to be more gentle when groping me." My statement made the British boy chuckle and I looked out the window to see a Black Camaro. I knew it was either Gideon or Dante's but I don't care honestly. "Wanna go out? We can do whatever, love." As soon as he said that, I got dressed and smiled. "Like what you see, Gideon?" I asked only to see his face become slightly red. "I swear, I would've thought you'd be used to seeing my naked body." I said that only for him to walk up and kiss me. "I mean, I only blush around things or people that seem beautiful. So you and you only." Gideon's complement made me giggle before I finished getting ready. "Hey, Kurumu, I told your mom and Dante that we'd be out for a few days. You might want to pack extra outfits." Gideon saying this made me pack a suitcase and he placed into the trunk, before getting into the car. He drove off super fast when he pulled out and while he's a good driver, that's kinda dangerous. "I have to ask, have you gotten pulled over yet?" My question was given an answer as Gideon had unknowingly did 165 past the police station on a 40mph road. It wasn't long before I heard a siren and Gideon started to slow the car down into to stop it as smoothly as possible. "To answer your question, this'll be the first time I'm pulled over." As soon as Gideon stopped, he had rolled the window down and the cop looked at him. He had leaned in closer and gave Gideon a closer look before his partner stepped out and looked at him confused. "You Rizona's boy?" Gideon nodded as soon as he was the question and the cops looked around before coming closer to us again. "Sorry for the inconvenience! Please, enjoy the rest of your day." As soon as the cop said this, he went away, me and Gideon were both confused, until I remembered something his father said. "Well, my father's influence exists here." Gideon said this before he continued driving.

It wasn't long before we ended up in a resort town that I haven't even been to before. We went to a hotel and Gideon whispered something to the reception. I didn't catch much but I could hear her gasp, see a blush, and Gideon slipped extra money onto the counter. "Just four days and nights, 'kay." As my lover said that in a smooth tone she nodded and gave Gideon two keycards before we walked back and smiled. "Follow me, Kurumu." I walked with my beloved without another word and we went to the fifteenth floor, by elevator. We walked until Gideon stopped at room 556. He keyed the door and as soon as we entered we were greeted to a bed with Rose petals in the shape of a heart and a card in the middle of the bed. The card read "For Gideon and Kurumu," though the inside of it had a beautiful letter that was written by my other half. I kissed him and he blushed before sitting on the bed. "Kurumu, I gotta read the letter, first." Then he started. "To Kurumu, my beloved lover and succubus. It feels like only a life ago we didn't even know that each other existed. Now we're nearly inseparable, and I wouldn't want anything more. You're the walking definition of beauty and charisma. You've given me reason after reason to actually appreciate my immortality, and I hope I can find a way for us to both be immortal. I want to be with you, forever... No matter what happens. I love you Kurumu, and I'll fly into the sun before I EVER stop loving you." I could only cry tears of joy as my Immortal prince read this. It truly was beautiful. There was temptation for me to rip off his clothes and have my way with him, but I'll show restraint for now. I inched closer as Gideon turned the letter over and continued reading. "Kurumu, I do truly love you and only you. Honestly, I'd love to hold you in my warm embrace forever and I hope to, though I have one final question and I know we're a bit young for it, at the moment, at least. But when the time comes and we're old enough..." Gideon reached into his jacket and pulled out a red box with golden trims, he got on one knee and I knew exactly what question was coming up. "Kurumu Kurono... Will you marry me? From Immortal to succubus?" I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, then his lips. "Yes, Yes Gideon, I will marry you, when the time comes, I'll definitely marry you." As soon as I said that he started to cry. It was a rarity to see him cry, so it made me worry, until I saw his smile. "Gideon? What's wrong?" As I asked my question, he kissed me warmly. "I'm not crying because of something being wrong, Kurumu... I'm crying because someone as kind and loving as you would marry me and it warms me in all types of ways I couldn't describe. I love you, my fiancè and princess." "I love you too, my soon-to-be husband and prince."

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