Loyalty and False Claims | 忠誠心と虚偽の主張 [Season I End]

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Two months later

After getting in uniform and walking out, I could see three students slightly deviating from the school's rules. I think it'd make sense for Ruby to handle them. Behind these three students, I saw Tsukune Aono. My friend. "Yo, Tsukune-san." I said this and I walked next to him. "Kon'nichiwa Gideon-kun, how've you and Kurumu been?" His question made me think about Kurumu and where she was. Dante had come up and wrapped his arms around our necks. "How you two doin'?" As Dante asked this question I laughed. "We're fine, yourself?" Dante laughed and gave us a thumbs up. I spotted Kurumu at the front of the crowd and decided to surprise her. I snuck behind her and lightly groped her and she seemed pissed as she said, "Whoever just did that, you're going to have quite some punishment to answer t-" "To, my beloved Kurumu?" As soon as I made myself known, Kurumu kissed me on the cheek. "Gideon, lover or not, don't scare me like that, baka. I almost thought you were some pervert." Kurumu telling me this made me hug her before we kept walking. I turned around only to see Vera. Tsukune had vanished and Vera was walking with Dante. Yeah... Vera enrolled into Yokai. It doesn't help that me, Tsukune, Dante, and even Kyoko told Vera that she shouldn't do it, because it isn't safe, like at all, but she wanted to come here to protect Tsukune. Moka had came and grabbed his hand as they were walking, only to take his blood. As soon as she released him, Mizore started to argue with Moka's action. "Moka, Tsukune is supposed to be my husband. If I see you touch his neck again, I'll freeze you solid." As Mizore said this, Yukari ran and hugged the half human and vampire. We walked into the school and went to the club room. I half expected Ginei or Kyo to greet us, but it was empty... "Okay, where's Ginei? You'd think that he would be back, by now." Dante's question spooked me, seeing that I didn't even know he was behind me. "Yeah... Well I guess we'll just reside here. I'm not dealing with freshmen if I don't have to." And with that being said by me, Dante took the chair across from me, before the others walked in, ten minutes after, interrupting our game of spades. Seeing that I was winning away, Dante gave me the money owed. "I got you next time, Gideon-kun." As Dante said that, Tsukune sat at the table and he looked depressed. Mizore, Yukari, and Vera started to hover around him. Everyone was here but Kurumu and Moka and that made me wonder. It wasn't long before I felt a soft had run through my hair, to see my significant other, behind me. "Moka not coming?" As Dante asked his question, Tsukune sighed and Yukari looked up. "Moka's been hanging around some new guy who's a vampire. Because of them both being vampires, Moka has to follow the rule of vampires. They absolutely despise other rac-" "You don't have to remind the poor boy, again!" Vera saying this made me even more curious...

Moments Prior

Me, Vera, Yukari, and Mizore were hiding behind a tombstone, just observing this new vampire speak to Dante and Moka. Dante wasn't having it seeing that the vampire known as Inui Jyunya. Dante blew his smoke in Inui's face before putting out the cigarette and leaving. "Forget him, how about you, Akashiya-chan. I was a bit rude earlier, but if I'm not mistaken, vampires like us are afraid of rosaries... How do you go around just wearing one?" As Inui asked this question to Moka, I was concerned. Like Kara to Dante, I can't relate to vampirism. "Tsukune-desu, there's this rule where vampires can only marry those of the same race, so that would mean Inui and Dante are the only ones who could get with Moka without any punishments. Humans are especially worthless to vampires and their children are labelled as Danpi-Ru. The rule is Vampires can only marry those of the same race, so other vampires." As soon as Yukari said this, my world shattered...

Present day

I walked around alone for the next few days and I looked at those two. They were perfect, like doves. "You okay, Tsukune? You've looked off for the past few days." I heard Dante to see him just now becoming visable to me. "Oh... That cunt... Yeah, I don't like him. Hey, Tsukune... I know you were listening in on him and Moka. Know that the rule he mentioned is outdated. And funny thing, he tried to assume me and Moka were courted. I told him that you're more deserving, before he started ranting so I walked away after blowing my smoke, which I'm sure Vera got a laugh out of it." Dante's statement bought hope back into my eyes and I knew that I had to confront Inui. "Dante, if I don't come back from my confrontation, then thank you." As I said that, he looked at me confused. "Oh, you thought I'd let you approach him alone. You're mistaken. I'm going with you." I moved and the vampire boy grabbed my shoulder and we were both warped outside of the school.

Third Omniscient

Moka was a bit distracted by her tomato juice, while she was thinking Tsukune. "Is something wrong, Moka-chan? You don't seem here as you normally would be." As soon as Inui asked, he shot down his own question which made him laugh. "You're still stuck on that Tsukune boy, aren't you. No worries. I'll deal with him." It didn't help that Tsukune was approaching right as Inui said that. He revealed his true form and before anything could be done, Inui tried to punch Tsukune, but he missed. Jyunya's fist met Inner Dante's hand and the vampiric yasha laughed as his third eye opened. He started to slowly crush Jyunya's hand and he was laughed at the Inui's resistance. "Y'know, if you really were a vampire, you would've broken out of my grasp. I applaud you for fooling Moka and her Inner self, but how you managed to fool Tsukune and the others is honestly BEYOND ME!" Dante screamed the last part before kicking Inui in the face, and he managed to stand up. Dante was holding back, Moka and Tsukune could tell. Inui punched Tsukune in the chest and Moka moved to him. Dante was mad that he had failed to protect Tsukune, so he looked at the false vamp with a malicious smile. Moka was crying until Tsukune pulled Moka's rosary. "Dante's right... If this were a real vampire, I would've died. You're a poseur, liar, and false claimer... Moka and Dante have the true power of a vampire and vampiress..." And as soon as Tsukune said what he said, Moka kicked him hard enough to nearly kill him and he was on his knees as he looked at Moka. He didn't see Dante use his hidden blades to slit his throat. Moka clasped her rosary back on and the Omote Moka hugged her best friend and tried to hug Dante as well but Dante stopped her. "No no no... I have blood all over me." Dante laughed and as the last bell rung, Dante laughed before making his bookbag appear. I'll see you fuckers soon, but me and Gideon gotta go back home. Tsukune, you live close to us, so you better visit." Dante said this before there was a purple darkness that warped Dante away.

Meanwhile, Gideon and Kurumu were walking around and the Brit looked into the violet eyes of his succubus love. "If I weren't immortal and if I died right now, knowing that you'd be with me, I'd die happy. I know summer break is coming up, but I'll visit you. I promise. You're so lovely." Gideon's statement made the succubus kiss him and giggle a bit. "You're so sweet.... I'll wait for you and I hope I can visit you too. Hey, by the way, I love you." As Kurumu said that, her light green eyed lover smiled before walking away. He decided to turn back around and they started to make out aggressively. "Hey! Save some for the summer, 'kay?" Kurumu said this before adjusting her shirt to hide her bra strap. Gideon kissed her on the cheek and walked away for real this time. After screaming, "I love you, Kurumu!" Only for her to shout, "I love you too, Gideon!"


Blood: Okay... Okay that was quite a ride. I've only got Katherine and you guys, the readers to thank for taking time out to read my work. I really hope you all enjoyed this and I truly thank y'all for making me have a reason to do th-

Yuuji Kazami: I think you're forgetting something...

Blood and Katherine: Shit!

Katherine: Hey, Nxrthern is working on a season II, Maybe you'll feature there.

Yuuji: Cxmpass is this true?

Blood: O-Of course! ·Whispers· Katherine, I owe you.

Katherine: ·Whispers· Damn straight you do. Now enjoy yourself, remember what I told you before, too. ;)

Blood: Right and again, thank you!

Blood & KatherineXwO
·Love y'all·

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