The Rude, Blunt Kid|Fate

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Dedicated to @7david1 for being kind enough to comment and I'm honored I made your day :)

C h a p t e r O n e

I admit I am a wimp and a coward.

But who wouldn't be when their girlfriend who seemed perfect with the relationship suddenly demands to break it off. I was so overwhelmed by the news that I didn't want to acknowledge it.

I just wanted to run anywhere and wait until she'd call and say it was a joke or everything that happened 'till that point was just a figment of my imagination. But I knew it wasn't, yet I still hope it was. I didn't want to say goodbye to the memories we shared.

I sat in one of those cold wooden benches by the park while the moon shone so bright against the sky. The cold breeze took a toll and brushed against my skin. The trees swayed back and forth in a calming manner, as graceful and soothing it was in my mind.

I closed my eyes and got lost in the calming sensation, my mind travelling towards dozen of thoughts I'd kept sealed by the back of my mind.

"Are you homeless?" a voice creeps suddenly out of the silent, dark place.

My eyes flickered opened in an instance and landed on the young child by my side as she chewed her spiral lolipop--which was halfway finished. Her giant blue orbs of eyes stared at me with curiosity and innocence that I wondered how the hell did she arrived here.

"Where the hell did you came from?" I finally spoke back, terrified that this could be most likely one of those ghosts who would wander at night and would haunt you.

I was blaming myself and my poor decisions that lead me to this quiet and isolated park in the late evening. My eyes stared at her hardly, hands trembling and sweat came trickling down my forehead when she finally spoke. "Isn't it obvious Mr? I came from my mother's vagina."

My eyes widened to the size of saucers at the child's decision of words and her casual way of replying to me without any fright or danger of what I might do to her. "Why are you here?"

She licked her spiral lolipop one last time before throwing it on the ground nonchalantly. "Hey!" I shout.

She blinked. "What?"

"Pick that up. It's bad to throw trashes little kid," I faced her with a stern expression on my face as I reprimanded her but she didn't nudge or showed any emotion.

"Then you pick it up," she said with attitude. "--to answer your question Mr, I came here because I wanted to. Is this your property and do you own this acre of land?"

I sneered. This little brat. "You do know I'm a stranger, I might do something bad to you."

I thought I could frighten her as payback but she remained stoic. She lifted her right foot and kicked the lolipop stick forward. "I don't think so. You look a like a dweeb and a virgin atleast."

Her words struck like a dagger that pierced through my chest. Who the hell was this kid and why is she so damn rude and annoyingly witty? "I'm not a virgin."

She smiled. "Really Mr? I bet the closest thing you've gone far with a girl is a hug."

"No it's not!" I lost my cool. "--I've kissed her countless of time and we..we entered each other's tongue."

I glared at her. "How old are you anyway and where are your parents?"

"I'm eleven and my parents don't have to worry about me being out and somewhere late at night," she explains.

"You're practically defenseless kid. Anyone could scoop you up and put you up for ransom," I tell her.

"I have a taser Mr. and I could do that if you act suspicious around me," she explained.

I smirked. You shouldn't have told me that."

She shrugs. "I don't care. Someone like you is harmless."

She walks towards me and takes a seat then waddles her feet back and forth to her amusement. "Why are you here? You have nowhere to go?"

"Why should I tell you? You're just a kid," I countered.

"Listen up Mr," she hissed. "--I'm no kid. I'm probably even more smarter than you. You're just a virgin."

"What's with me being a virgin? Is that a problem?" I say irritated, this kid is really an eyesore.

"Not really. But I figured you're so touchy about it that I just wanted to tease you," she smirks.

"You're such a sadist kid," I look at her flabbergast and disgusted.

"My name's Star not kid," she faced me. "--it's rude to call me a kid you know? I'm twelve turning thirteen soon"

"But you're still a kid," I pointed. "--unless you want me to call you a thug."

"Then I'll call you Virgin," she eyed me with such innocence. At first you might see her as a defenseless child but she sure has a great weapon, her sharp, harsh tongue.

"Don't tell me you're more interested in younger children?" she looks at me with pure disgust. "--the way you look at me is terrifying, like you're stripping me naked."

I coughed. "What the hell are you saying? I'm not a pedophile you brat!"

"Whatever. Anyway I gotta go," she stands up from her seat and pats her skirt flat. "--see you someday Mr.Virgin."

Then she left leaving me suprised about a child as evil as her.

|Demo Only|

(c) June 14, 2019
Starco : The Rude, Blunt Kid

Re-edit : May 5-

Should I delete this? I don't know.

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