The Rude, Blunt Kid|Excuses

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Dedicated to : @Lexypooh204   Here's the new, steaming update fam. Enjoy :D

C h a p t e r  T w o

"Jackie!" I called out, my feet running  as fast as I could to catch her pace. She didn't budge and kept on walking, like she couldn't hear me. "Wait damn it!"

I grabbed her arm and turned it to meet her. "Why did you break up with me?"

I wanted to hear her reasons straight from her mouth. She yanked her arm away from me and raised a brow. "Marco, one thing. You're a bad kisser; you always talk about yourself and your problems like you are the only one having the shittiest life; you reek of too much perfume and you're completely weird," then she looks away. "--oops, I said more than one thing."

It was like a sharp bullet that struck to my chest and spreaded throughout as the pain throbbed every second that passed by. When I didn't say anything she turned her back and left me hanging.

Where did it went wrong? I remember our smiles and the joy in her eyes when I courted her. She'd always listened and would treat me like a kid sometimes. We'd cuddle and warmth ourselves by the chilly weather.

Was she enduring me all this time? For pity? For making herself better? Was she even in love with me in the first place?

Then fuck her. Fuck her flat chest and her cheap-ass hair extension.

Going to class at the moment didn't seem like an appealing decision, so I fled the campus and headed to the place I know so well and is filled with tranquil; the park.


I was close to entering a silent slumber when I felt something poke the sides of my cheeks. At first I ignored it but it became more repetitive to the point it would start to ache.

So I flashed my eyes open and see the brat from yesterday so close to me, her eyes staring at me like she was reading my soul and her locks dangled on my shirt while a random stick was on her hand. "We meet again Mr. Virgin."

I stared at her. "What do you want brat and why the hell are you poking me with a stick?!"

She stepped backwards and crossed her arms. "Didn't I tell you my name is Star? And what are you doing here, skipping class--for the record, it doesn't suit you."

I rubbed my temples and sat straight. "Shouldn't I be asking you that? Kids like you should enter classes. I swear parents these days are neglectful."

She stomped her foot. "I'm not a little kid!" she then rolled her eyes and proceeded to lift her foot to which she swung to kick my knees. I let out a sharp cry of pain before glaring at her. "What's your deal, you brat?"

She smirked, amused by the pain I received. "What are you gonna do? Gonna go and tattle-tale to your mommy?" she mocks in a taunting tone. I shook my head. "Shouldn't you be doing that? And leave me alone, I'm not in the mood for your bratty phase."

She takes a seat beside me without asking and I opened my mouth to say something but chose not to. "Zit Boy," she starts and I shot her a menacing glare. This kid should be lucky I'm patient or I would've beat her ass. "So why did you skip school? Were you bullied because your zit looked like a threat to humanity?"

I scoffed. "You sure do have plenty of names for me, and for your information, my zit isn't that big, you're exaggerating."

She nudged my rib with her sharp elbows that I winced. "Listen little girl, I swear I'm gonna file a lawsuit against you for abuse."

She laughed in her evil, twisted way. "You're such a wimp."

"Well you're a spawn of Satan."

"What a great comeback Mr. Hot Stuff," she replies in a sarcastic manner, then she draws a sigh. "—okay enough about the banters, just tell me your problem. Is it because you haven't got laid yet and feel insecure among your batch or you've finally realized how pathetic you are for having an imaginary girlfriend but don't know how to have one since you're that weird guy who haven't touched a girls hand and feel aroused when you will—which is creepy and disgusting."

I scrunched my nose at her, way too weirded out by her way too much detailed accusations. "I have a girlfriend Ms. Bee—or whatever your name was. I'm quite good looking you know, you can't see that since you're just a child."

"And what's with that overly detailed assumption? So creepy!" I added.

"I'm a teen!" she hisses at me like a cat preparing to claw after trying to pet its head. "You sure don't act like one. You're childish, immature, rude and don't have respect for your elders. Is that how your parents raised you? If so, I send them my consolation and regards for the dark future."

She rubs her arms like she's cold and looks away, distant for a second. "What if I'm childish? Atleast I'm far better than those cancerous teens dancing the Fortnite and what shizz."

"I didn't say that," I frown. "—stop assuming you're the pitiful one here. I know it's me and kids like you don't have to worry about many things yet."

"Well I'm different," she mumbles a little too quiet that is contrast to her obnoxious and sarcastic nature. "—I can't act like my age. I can't be a kid anyway."

"What do you mean?" I question her out of confusion. "—are you working for your family? Paying bills or what?"

She shakes her head. "You won't understand anyway. You're just some guy I met here on an isolated park as if you're any better."

"Do you even have friends with that attitude of yours?" I ask her out of petty. "—I swear I'd tear for them."

"I don't," she tells me flatly with a plain look on her face. "—but it won't matter. Friends are just an excuse to use people, to be a tool and to be a stepping stone."

I squinted my eyes at her because of her analogy. She's so wrong in so many ways. Has she experienced unpleasant things that makes her say that? "You're wrong. Friends are important and crucial in one's life. If you were used, then they're not your friends but doesn't mean that all people are like that. Friends are hard to find and when you do find someone genuine, don't let them go."

She chuckles bitterly. "What's with that friendship is magic speech? Have you been watching too much Barbie or those heavily based friendship crap to be so disillusioned to the real reality?"

She adds something before I argue. "Just accept it. We can only move forward by ourselves. Life is a survival, something you have to attain by yourself without many things dragging you down."

"Anyway," she cuts the subject. She stands up from the bench and patted her pink, frilled skirt that waved weakly by the cold gush of breeze. "—I won't force you to answer that question since I'm sure it's gonna be something disappointing or a sad way to act cool or rebellious."

"Well this ends our conversation Mr. Virgin," she flashes a smirk. "—I doubt we'd meet again, unless you're some guy who has no life in the society and spends your time here whining and crying about your flaws."

"Sayonara and may we never meet again," she adds before turning her heel and fleeing the scene in a matter of minutes.

I stayed there, contemplating and thinking if that rude brat may be broken or may have some issues deep inside by the way she just spoke to me awhile ago.

But who am I to care anyway? I have mountain of problems to deal with.

June 29, 2019

Sorry for not updating. I was busy with school and I hope I can update tomorrow.

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