The Rude, Blunt Kid|Truth

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C h a p t e r  S e v e n t e e n

3 chapters more and we're gonna reach the 20th chapter! Anyway, as you're reading this, I've already published 5 new chapters at the same time. Isn't that a treat?

"Marco, someone's out here, waiting for you!" mother yells below the stairs, yet I don't budge nor have the strength to respond. I'm just like a dead corpse, unresponsive yet my heart still beats.

I could hear her footsteps starting to climb the stairs, growing louder and closer of each step she takes. Then before I knew it, she's in front of my door. "Marco, Star is here. She wants to talk to you."

"Tell her I don't wanna talk," I grumble. "But she's been here for an hour now, come on Marco."

"I told you I can't," I irritably replied, tossing my sheets aside. "--tell her to leave and go to school instead of worrying about me."

I could guess her sighing and think that it's finally over when I feel the door burst open. I squinted my eyes by the light that seeped through my dim room. "Star, what are you--"

She slams the door shuts and marches towards my bed, an exasperated look on her face. "You bitch, how dare you make me wait for an hour? I am trying to be considerate here and you're pushing me aside?"

"Are you trying to pick a fight, huh? Huh?!" she nudges.

My eyes widen and I sat straight up, pointing my fingers at her. "Did you just cuss at me?" she snickers and snatches the duvet off me. "What if I did? Thought  I wouldn't say it?"

"But  you're still a k----" she smacks me. "--shut up! Get your bum up, we're going somewhere."

"I don't want to," I eyed her sternly. She scoots closer, so close I could see her ocean blue eyes so clearly. "You don't have a choice. You'll go or I'll have to taser you," she threatens, showing her taser.

"Do I ever have a choice," I sigh, feeling my eyes numb from all those wimpy tears I've shed. "No. Remember that I skipped school for you."

"Wow, that's really thoughtful of you, if you think that's what I'm about to say," I say. "--I never told you to skip class, genius," I spat out.

"Are you talking back to me?" she says like it wasn't even obvious. "--how dare you."

I faintly chuckle. "Thought I wouldn't put up a fight? Butterfly, just leave me alone. I'll be fine, I won't die."

"But you've been absent for almost a week!" she exclaims and grabs my hand. Her hand is always warm, no matter what the weather is. "--I'm having withdrawal issues since I don't have anyone to lash at."

"And that's why you're here?" I raised a brow. She nods. "--also since you've been crying like a girly teenager, man up will you? The Marco I know wouldn't stoop low to this."

"You always told me I was a loser," I eyed her. She looks away. "Well you are---hey! Stop changing the topic and get up."

"I don't want to," I struggle but she still attempts to pull me out of bed. I grab her hand and push her  close to my bed. She lands on my bed, her back side pressed to my front. "What the heck are you doing, Diaz?!"

"I'm really tired," I yawn. "--I'm not going anywhere. You can stay here if you want, I don't mind. And I won't take advantage of you, you're just some kid--a brat at that."

Starco:The Rude, Blunt Kid [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now