The Rude, Blunt Kid|Fantasy

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C h a p t e r  F i f t e e n

"Fancy laptop you've got there," he blurts, coming into the picture and takes a seat beside me like it's a usual thing.

"Hmm," I barely greet, typing the words as fast as I can probably with my fingers. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Just chillin, you?" I then reply without looking. "Inspiration. It's too suffocating in my house," he sighs. "I see. Is it about your parents nagging about that guy you're about to meet?"

I nod, feeling the cool breeze tickle my knees, if that even makes sense. "I couldn't care less, but they're too adamant in their own ideals of me that I just let it go."

"So what are you busy writing there, Butterfly?" he says in a teasing tone and leans closer, his breath tickling the nape of my neck. "--is that story about you being the top of every thing and conquering the word?"

I pause my fingers, then look up to him in a grimace. "You really think I'd write that crap? What about you? How about you write a story about your supposedly love story--oops, you actually had one, but it ended."

"That hurt," he lightly nudge my shoulder. I smirk. "Serves you right. I'm far better than that Diaz."

"Seriously, what are you writing?" he pounder. I take a second to make up my mind if I should tell him. "It's just your usual love story, althought they never end up together."

He raised a brow, looking fussed like he'd read the story. "How so? Shouldn't stories end happily?"

I take a deep breath and glance at him eye to eye. "Look at yours, did it really end happily?" he becomes mum. "--that's exactly the reason why there's no guarantee that there's a happy ending."

"But why, couldn't you just make them happy?"

"Why do you care?" I slightly raise my voice, annoyed by his nagging. "--they don't end up together because they're not destined. She's not meant to be with him, it's simple."

"Why?" he tilts his head like an idiot lost somewhere no one knows. "Diaz, she's not meant to be with him because, because--he's a--an, adult."

"He will never like a girl, just a girl who's younger," I say in a softer tone. "--he will never look at her. No matter how she tries because she's just  a kid in his eyes."

"But he could learn to love her," he responded. I stare at his hazel eyes with questions. "It's just a story, it's nothing really."

"He could learn to love that kid, Star," he repeats himself. "--if she becomes old enough, that is."

"What are you implying?" I raised a brow. He answers straight away. "Am I implying something?"

"You seem like you are implying something," I fight back. He chuckles. "You're so malicious."

"Anyway," I turned back to my laptop. "--I have a deadline to finish. I can't talk right now."

He seems to understand but still stays beside me. I was so focused in the progress of my story that I couldn't see nor feel the stare that he darts at me. I heard him say something but I was too deaf to hear to anything besides myself.

"Why can't you be fifteen?" I hear him mutter. My heart skips a beat though I try not to mind it.

"Water," I cut him off. He looks at me suprised, then composes himself. "Did you hear what I said?" he says a little to cautious and wary.

I decided not to press, pretending to not know anything. "What the heck do you mean? Can you buy me some water, I'm thirsty."

He blinks, then glances at me with an awkward stance. "Oh, sure. I--I'll just go to that convenience store."

When he walks away, all the emotions I supressed inside me bursts and I swear I could turn into stone with these fluttering feelings stirring deep inside me.

Damn you Diaz!


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