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To me, the earth is an extraordinary thing. It may be considered vast, but it is not that vast; it is only a speck compared to the massive solar system revolving around the sun. It may also be considered small, but it is not too small. The vast landmasses and deep blue seas form the backdrop to human life. Human like you. Human like me.

Those who love reading, such as myself, would understand that there are no limits to our lives. There are many experiences out there waiting to be explored and we need not be there physically; we can explore every corner of the world through the tales of others by picturing those unique experiences with our imagination.

I see that the world has shrunk and expanded tremendously at the same time. Through pages full of descriptions, all kinds of knowledge and experiences can be gained, even if I am just sitting on a small bed beside a window looking at the world outside. Previously, I had never been abroad. The furthest away that I had been was Singapore. Everything I knew of the rest of the world was painted by my imagination via the stories I read.

The opportunity of a trip to London offered by Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia(ITBM) and Persatuan Penulis Nasional Malaysia (PENA) on the Kembara Penulis Muda Ke United Kingdom programme changed everything. Prior to this, everything I knew about London I had gained through books – the seasonal weather, culture, accents and pronunciations, buildings and architecture, lifestyle, etc. The narratives found between the pages of books managed to transport me all over the world, but the actual moment of physically being there opened up a whole new dimension. It added value to experiences that had previously been obtained only through my imagination.

Suddenly, I realised that there are limitations to what a writer can achieve; it would not be possible for me to convey to the reader 100 percent of all that I experienced in London. In Tangled Dreams, I hope to present the choicest parts of my experiences.

From Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Dubai and onwards to Heathrow Airport, London, followed by 10 days of gaining knowledge in London before returning to my homeland, I gathered many stories. Some of these came about through my own observations. Some I obtained through the willingness of others to share their stories. I do not deny that much of what I gained came from conversations that took place all around me; it is a habit of mine to eavesdrop in public.

Through their eyes, I came to realise that London is one of life's transit centres for all kinds of people – those who have dreams, those who have lost their way, those who are running away, those who have reached a dead end, those who wish to start life anew, and many others. Unbeknownst to them, their lives form a network that links them to each other. This intertwining is the inspiration for this piece of work.

Our lives interlink and influence one another. I hope that through Tangled Dreams, we will come to realize that life is not just about ourselves. Every action we make or word we utter influences the lives of our loved ones and the community around us. Therefore, we should not be self-centered in everything we do. We should endeavour to put ourselves in someone else's shoes to better understand their thoughts and feelings. As the old saying goes: no man is an island.

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