Chapter 29~ The date

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Chapter 29🖤

Emily's POV

It had been a month since me and James became official, we had already told everyone and they were extremely happy for us. I think Oli was the happiest though, he had the biggest smile across his face when we told him, so did Evie.

In the past month everything has been perfect, Jake and I were back to being the best friends that we were before the whole situation happened with James. Things with Joe and Dianne had been going great as well, I had started to open up to them a lot more about how I was feeling and I felt like I was really starting to think of them like my own family.

I was currently out shopping with Dianne because James was taking me out tonight, I had watched him for years on YouTube and never thought of him to be the romantic type , I guess I was wrong.

"So do you know exactly where he's taking you?" Dianne asked me.

"No, not at all, but he said to wear something not to dressy , all I know is where not going to a restaurant" I told her.

"Okay, so how about we buy you a nice top and you can wear some black ripped jeans with your vans?" She suggested.

"Sounds perfect" I said.

We then searched all the shops till we found the perfect top for me to wear on the date, I was so excited. I then tried on the top in the dressing room and looked in the mirror before leaving the room to go show Dianne.

"It looks amazing!" She said as a smile appeared on her face.

"This is the one!" I said smiling.




Emily's POV

It was now 5pm and I was sat in the living room next to Joe waiting for James to come pick me up.

"You excited?" He asked.

"I guess" I said trying not to let a grin appear on my face but it didn't work.

"Yes you are! Don't lie" he laughed whilst pushing me off the sofa.

"Joe!" I shouted whilst standing back up, he just laughed.

We then heard a knock at the door and Joe gestured for me to go answer it.

I then answered it to see my lovely boyfriend stood in the doorway.

"You look beautiful" he said smiling.

"You don't look so bad yourself" I smiled.

I then shouted bye to Joe and left the flat hand in hand with James.

"So where are we actually going then? Cause you haven't actually told me that yet" I questioned.

"It's a surprise" he said as he winked at me.

"You know I don't like surprises" I said which was true, I hated them I always needed to know what I was doing.

"Your gonna love it" he said gripping my hand tighter, I looked up and smiled at him.

We walked are way to this mysterious location hand in hand, our fingers intwined together. I loved moments like this with James, it just made me realise how good we were together and how much I liked him.

We came to a stop and right in front of us was a lake with a blanket laid out in front of us with fairy lights hung up on the trees to light it up since it was quite dark, a selection of food was also laid out on the blanket, it looked amazing.

"James.... I don't know what to say" I said.

"You like it?" He questioned.

"I love it" I said as I wrapped my arms round his neck to give him a massive hug.

We then sat down on the blanket and started to eat the food that was laid out in front of us whilst talking and laughing, it's was so nice, a few months ago I could never imagine being sat with James white on a date let alone a date this good.

I started to shiver as I hadn't brought a coat or jacket with me, silly I know I should thought about it , James noticed I was cold and handed me his jacket, he was so cute bless him.

"Are you sure? Won't you be cold?" I asked him.

"Your more important" he smiled.

I then cuddled up next to him and buried my head in the crook of his neck, he then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.

"I can't believe you did all of this just for me" I said.

"It wasn't just me I had a bit of help from Oli and Evie obviously" he said.

I laughed.

"I'm just glad you like it" he smiled.

"It's perfect"


Sorry I took so long to update.
Also I tried a new style of writing what do you think? In the way I lay it out I mean.
Also what did you think of this chapter? Please let me know if you liked it or not so I know whether to write something like that again.

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