Bros and a hoe

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3rd Person POV

It had been an exaggerated week saturated with tedious classes and casual chitchat with the gang but Taehyung just wanted to relax for the weekend, he'd been anticipating the arrival of those two days all week.

He sat daydreaming as he stared out the window, tapping his pencil onto the table in rhythm with the sighs that escaped his lips, irritating all the other students surrounding him.

"Hey, stop it." A hand slammed down onto the desk, capturing his pencil underneath its grip. He turned to the side and saw Jungkook for the first time all period, he hadn't even noticed his friend was sat beside him, Taehyung opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted.

"Yes I have been here the whole time." Jungkook laughed, before raising his hand and slapping Tae's shoulder repeatedly as he humoured himself.

"Fuck, I didn't even notice, it's been a long ass day and I can't stop thinking about how good that weekends going to feel." Taehyung sighed as he tired from talking. "You're literally just going to jerk off to porn all week." Jungkook replied while fumbling through his pant pockets to reach for his phone.

"Yeah I know but it's been a while since I beat my meat, man. I need the release and I just haven't had time with the exams coming up." Tae shook his head as he redirected his gaze back out of the window, reminiscing about the good old times when he could find the time to touch himself, another sigh escaping his lips.

Jungkook felt sorry for his friend, seeing how genuinely upset his friend was but at the same time he was trying his hardest to hold in his laughter at how stupid the situation seemed. An idea surged through Jungkook's mind, he smirked as he tapped away furiously on the screen of his phone.

Bros and a Hoe🤪
(Group chat)

Bunny Boy🐰:
Everyone free tomorrow? We're having a sleep over at Tae's dorm room and everyone's invited.

I'm free, ain't got no hoes coming to suck this dick so my schedules free.
Jin should be too.

Mr Worldwide💞:
Not that my plans would have been linked to Namjoons 👀

Busan's Biggest Booty🍑:
Yeah, keep telling yourself that lol.
I'm down 😊

Taehyung's phone continued to vibrate in his pocket, he ignored the messages until the buzzing got too persistent, he pulled his phone from his pocket and skimmed through the messages display on his lock screen. "Sleeping at Tae's." His curiosity was peaked, he unlocked his phone to see the mass amount of messages arranging a sleep over, that he was supposed to host.

Gucci Boy👽:
Wtf! I never agreed to this Jungkook!

"You could have just said that to me." Jungkook laughed and Taehyung face palmed himself. "Why would you invite them to my dorm." Taehyung complained, his plans of being alone had gone down the drain along with his plans of pleasure.

"Don't worry you'll still get a hand job, just not from yourself." Jungkook snickered as he turned back to his phone.

Bunny Boy🐰:
Wbu you y/n, you coming?

Busan's Biggest Booty🍑:
Whatttt.... I thought this was strictly dickly!

Gummy Min😈:
Well this just got interesting, I think I'll come now😏

Welp. I was already going to come lol.

Try calling her after class, she normally mutes the chat.

True she said that you guys spam it too much and she ain't wrong 😂

Gummy Min😈:
Of course you'd know that, don't let your nose get too brown, ass kisser 🙃

Shut up, you're just jealous asshat.

Change Nickname:
Jealous Min🖕🏻
Yes | No

Jealous Min🖕🏻:
Smh you'll regret that 😈

A/N: I shortened the chapters sorry, I just thought it made things progress smoother 😊

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