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A/n: I am back from working away so I bashed the chapter out, since I promised it 4 days ago and didn't deliver, sorry about that... ☺️

Your gaze was broken when you felt Jimin's tongue suddenly glide across your glistening pussy, capturing a moan from you.

The feeling of his velvet smooth tongue moving rhythmically along your slit was stirring up excitement in your stomach, building pressure between your legs, allowing your  desperation to dictate the movement of  your hips.

Jimin tightened his grip on your milky thighs, bringing you closer to his mouth, locking his plump lips around your lower lips, capturing your clit in his mouth and caressing it with his tongue. He flicked his tongue back and forth over your sensitivity hastily, receiving a lustful moan in return.

The room around you had fallen still, the only thing keeping you in the present was the  heavy breathing endorsing your display.

Namjoon's breath was audibly beginning to fasten, causing your gaze to shift from Jimin, who was still resting comfortably between your legs as he sent you to euphoria.

"Fuck don't look at me while your like that." Joon said as he stroked the tent pitching beneath the fabric of his jeans.

The sight of his growing arousal sent shivers down your spine, while the contact of Jimin's hot breath blowing gently on your womanhood sent you over the edge.

"Look at me instead baby." You turned to look at Jungkook, he now watched in amusement as you chased your climax, you arched your back violently in rapture, while your legs shook as the pressure continued to build.

"I'm taking my turn and I'm not giving you an option, Jungkook I dare you to fuck Y/n with Jimin." Jin breathed out, helping Jungkook take you back for himself.

"Fuck!" You whined as Jimin plunged a finger into your entrance as though claiming it.

"I don't th-think I can last m-much longer!" You continued as he added another, sliding it into your wetness and filing you up for the others to watch as he stretched you out.

"Don't you dare cum yet." Jungkook called out as he approached the two of you in the centre of the now broken circle. He pushed Jimin aside harshly, removing any contact you had with him.

Before Jimin could retaliate Jungkook had already lowered his pants and was aligning his tip with your wetness, teasing you smugly as he slowly rubbed over your clit, gliding down to your entrance, repeating this a few times while you whimpered for him longingly.

Jungkook pushed into you roughly, the wetness of your pussy allowed him to glide in with ease despite his size. His eyes grow wide as your walls wrapped around him instinctively, squeezing his shaft as he began to roll his hips.

"You have to pleasure them both y/n." Yoongi instructed as he watched you neglect to touch Jimin.

"S-sorry." You responded, with a breathy voice, realising your ignorance, you wrapped your hand around Jimin's cock and jerked it in rhythm to Jungkook's thrusts, causing Jimin to whimper from sensitivity.

He had been concealing his erection from the beginning of his dare and it was throbbing eagerly as precum spilled from the tip in excitement. You stroked his length the best you could while being fucked senselessly.

You grip loosened when Jungkook hit your gspot and sent your stimulations into a frenzy, arching your back while whimpering helplessly as he continued to reach deeper into your pussy.

The others continued to watch, some were biting their lips profusely, trying to restrain themselves, while Hobi and Yoongi had thrown away their morals and given in to the temptation, helping each other jerk off to the scene.

You were inching closer and closer to your climax with every thrust but you craved just a little more to push you over the edge and feed into your desire.

"Jimin I want you to fuck my mouth." You moaned out, while pulling away from a Jungkook and position ping yourself on all fours, legs spread and mouth open awaiting Jimin's presence.

Jungkook's face scrunched as if he was angry to share but Jimin was more than pleased, he stood before you and slid his dick in, accepting your invitation. Your lips closed around his skin, creating a scene so erotic that Jungkook couldn't help but slam back into you.

This was no longer just a dare, this was a competition for dominance.

A/n: sorry it took so long, I was working away but here is the chapter and I didn't realise it was going to be so long so I'll be splitting it into two and the final chapter will be posted in 2 days or less ☺️ see you then!

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