Principles daughter

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Jungkook came into the room with some shots to make things even more dangerous "anyone who pussies out of a dare has to take 3 consecutive shots, pussy out of a truth and you have to do a dare."

You clapped your hands together gaining his attention "omg that's a great idea." This way you had an excuse to do anything they asked without looking desperate.

Jungkook put the tray of shots down in the middle of the circle, he skimmed the circle seeing who was sat where, Taehyung was sandwiched between Yoongi who was on his left and Jimin who was on his right.

"Y/n can start since it's her first time playing with us. We'll go around clockwise so it's fair." Jungkook stated, he had actually made it this way because you were sat to the left of Yoongi and the quicker it got to Yoongi, the quicker it got to Taehyung.

"Okay." You paused looking for a victim, when your eyes landed on Jin. "Truth or Dare?" You asked, looking directly at Jin. "Truth, I think we should start of easy." He replied and you laughed, just because he had chosen truth didn't mean you were going to go easy on him.

"Who was the last person you and Namjoon had a threesome with?" You laughed in an evil tone, Jin's eyes widened and he blushed as he shot a look towards Namjoon, he was looking for permission to tell and Namjoon gave a quick nod of his head.

"Dahyun, the principles second daughter." He mumbled, everyone began to laugh hysterically. "So you deflowered both of his daughters, that's so cruel." You cursed violently.

"Yoongi it's your turn." Jin said, trying to change the subject. "Ah yes, it time for 'jealous min' to take his revenge. Hobi, Truth or dare?" The room fell silent as everyone stared at Hoseok waiting for his response.

"Truth." He said proudly, he thought that this meant Yoongi couldn't get him back for the chat incident. "Who's the little cum slut, that moans daddy while sucking my dick and begs me to cum in their whore mouth?" Yoongi said with a devilish look plastered on his face.

Hoseok's smile dropped immediately, he had been outed to everyone and the embarrassment spreading through his body was painfully visible. "Me" he whispered as his gaze fell to the ground, the moment lasted seconds before Taehyung spoke up.

"It's my turn now and since there's already been two truths whoever I ask has to do a dare." Taehyung exclaimed as he looked at the others "unless they want to pussy out." He laughed.

"Jungkook" Taehyung said while smirking "I dare you to give y/n a hickey."

"That's easy enough." Jungkook replied as he moved around the circle. "I wasn't finished. I dare you to give y/n a hickey while she straddles you." Taehyung continued he looked at you for a reaction but your plain expression didn't falter, this was what you secretly wanted to happen so you'd gladly accept.

Jungkook looked at you with wide eyes, he sat back down in his seat while searching your expression for consent. "Fine." You said as you crawled over to Jungkook, revealing your red panties to Yoongi and Namjoon who were sat beside you.

You sat down on Jungkook's hips roughly causing him to groan from the sudden contact, you moved your hair behind your ear, exposing your neck for Jungkook to grace with his lips.

Jungkook's hands made their way down to your waist, where they held you firmly as he brought his lips to your bare neck, his lips pressed lightly onto the skin, stirring up your stomach with butterflies that felt like they were about to break through your chest. His lips parted as his tongue escaped, gliding slowly along your skin before he bit down gently, gaining a soft moan to leave your parted lips.

The sensation left you dizzy, you were intoxicated in lust, you rolled your hips slightly to gain friction as his tongue brushed over your sensitive spot. Your breath hitched when you realised you'd been desperately grinding on him, you pulled away reluctantly, his breath lingering over your skin, tickling your neck as you moved.

You climbed down from his lap and returned to your seat awkwardly. "That was hot." Namjoon said breaking the silence, everyone in the room seemed to be just as flustered as you.

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