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A/n: You thought it was over... but you just activated my trap card!

-for those who forgot the seating arrangement is you, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook, Jin and Namjoon this is clockwise.

"Looks like we had an audience." You said while walking back to the guys. "Guess they couldn't resist the jungcock either." Jungkook said before falling to the floor.

"Now who's turn was next." Jungkook said looking around the circle for the next victim.

Jimin raised his hand in conjunction with the crease forming beside his plump lips. "Kookie, truth or dare?"

Jungkook tutted in disappointment. "I literally just finished, how do you expect me to do another round." The way he phrased his sentence made it clear that he wasn't speaking about having the last turn but referring to having another sexual exchange.

"It won't be dirty! Unless you choose dare, no ones forcing you." Jimin defended, Jungkook sighed in defeat before choosing truth.

"Did you cum inside?" Jimin giggled like a child at his question while at the same time raising his eyebrows suggestively.

Jungkook threw a concerned glare towards you before nodding in response. "I couldn't help it, she felt too good." You blushed profusely.

"You are on birth control right?..." Jimin asked, concern laced within his words. "Of course I'm on birth control, I have 7 lil nastys as my friends. It'd be like throwing me to a bunch of horny dogs while in heat ." You joked innocently.

Jin laughed like a windscreen wiper, slapping his knee violently, he was amused by your straightforwardness. "Well I guess the feelings mutual then." He choked out before composing himself.

"Shut your squeaky, screen cleaning mouth up. It's my turn." Hobi whined, leaving Jin silent. "Okay, Jin I'll ask you since you like to use your mouth so much, truth or dare?" Hobi spoke cockily, ignoring the difference in age.

"Truth, you little shit!" He retorted, using a second truth in a row.

"So boring." Hobi groaned. "Do you like Joon as more than a friend?" He smirked, imagining the different outcomes.

"To be honest no, but if he wanted to fuck I'd be down, like without a girl, just the two of us." Jin answered,  completely oblivious to look of excitement he'd elicited from Joon.

"Me too bro." Joon said before going in for a hand shake, only for it to be ignored.

Everyone laughed in unison at the opportunity they'd just created for the future.

"Okay it's me again and this time and I dare Jimin to choose another person to go down on in the middle of the circle." Jungkook said, he had unlimited power. Jimin couldn't refuse since there had already been two truths.

Jimin was visibly annoyed that he would have to perform oral for a second time tonight so he used this as an opportunity to be malicious.

"I pick Y/n." he said smugly, sending a deadly glare at Jungkook, who's cocky smile had disappeared.

"Jokes on you, I hope you enjoy the taste of my cum." Jungkook retorted aggressively and the room fell silent as the tension grew.

"You don't have to worry about that, with the amount of cumming  Y/n is going to do because of me, I won't even taste a drop of you on her." Jimin spoke, shutting Jungkook up before moving himself to the centre of the circle.

"I'm not really an exhibitionist but it can't be that bad." You spoke softly, although you were nervous to have them all watch intensely as Jimin devoured your pussy, but you were also excited by the thought of them watching as you come undone by Jimin's touch.

You crawled to the middle of the circle, showing a preview of what was to cum (get it lol) to Yoongi and Namjoon.

You laid on your back spreading your legs wide, with bent knees, allowing Jimin as much access as he needed to pleasure you completely.

You felt a firm grip on the outer side of your thighs as Jimin began to bring his face closer to your red laced panties, his hot breath lingering over the clothe as his hands moved to pull your panties down and reveal your wetness to the others, who watched with awe.

You directed your gaze towards Jungkook who was avoiding eye contact with you, while you looked so seductive with Jimin between your legs and not him.

Your gaze was broken when you felt Jimin's tongue suddenly glide across your glistening pussy, capturing a moan from you.

To be continued lmao, I know it's a sucky place to leave the chapter but I'm tired, I'll try post the last chapter tomorrow. 🙏🏻

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