How to get a handjob

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Jungkook giggle as he locked his phone and slid it back into his pocket, proud of what he'd accomplished. "So you're going to get y/n to give me a hand job?" Taehyung questioned, conflicted about the idea of using y/n for his own personal gain.

"Nah, she's coming for me." Jungkook retorted, Taehyung raised an eyebrow in utter confusion. "How the fuck am I still getting a hand job then!" Taehyung whined, the entire class directing their focus towards him, theirs stares piercing through him as he slouched down his chair in embarrassment.

"How am I getting a hand job then?" He whispered to Jungkook. "I don't know actually, I was planning on sharing but I kind of have a crush on her and once she sees the party sausage between your legs she be put off dick forever." He laughed, deflating Tae's ego as he compared his dick to a 2 inch snack.

"Well whatever I'll just get you to do it for me, I don't care." Tae snorted, his eyes widening immediately when they landed on y/n, who was sat at the front of the class staring at the two of them intensely.

"Do you think she heard?" Taehyung mumbled to Jungkook who was watching y/n, she begun walking towards them. They both straightened up in there seats as she approached their table but strangely she didn't stop she carried on walking straight passed the two of them and out of the room.

"She's pissed." Jungkook said as he smacked his head onto the desk softly, his phone buzzed seconds later and he swallowed his nerves as he opened the phone to read the message y/n had sent.

Omg a Girl🌮:
What was you saying about hand jobs Taehyung! That was so loud, you looked so flustered 🤣

Busan's Biggest Booty🍑:
Why am I not surprised 🤦🏼‍♀️

Bunny Boy🐰:
He was talking about how he touched himself in the school toilets last week 😂🤢

Omg a Girl🌮:
Nvm, I didn't want to know that while I'm in the toilets 😂

Bunny Boy🐰:
Are you going to come to the sleep over at Tae's tomorrow y/n?

Jealous Min🖕🏻:
Like anyone would want to come after reading that.

Omg a Girl🌮:
True lol but this is the first time I've been invited so fuck yeah I'll come 🥳

Y/n stood in the cubicle reading the text, she threw her hands up in excitement, this is the first time they'd invited her and she couldn't wait to be in a room alone with the guys, especially Jungkook, she'd been crushing on him hard lately maybe it was because of the way he'd started flirting with her or maybe it was just his dumb ass humour that captivated her.

Jungkook turned his face towards Taehyung "we're safe." He sighed in relief and they both paid their attention back to the door as y/n entered, smoothing out her skirt as she walked back to her seat.

A/N: I always wanted to dabble in the text side of fanfics but never really got a chance so this was fun although it's 3:42am and the editing of texts takes long it was really fun. Bye now 🤗

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