Be the last

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"I guess it's my turn." Taehyung said nervously while making serious eye contact with Jungkook. "Truth or dare." He asked, not breaking the eye contact with Kookie.

"Dare." Jungkook smiled, he was happy that he'd been chosen, it was written all over his face. "I dare you to fuck y/n, make sure we hear her moans or you'll have to do it again with an audience." Taehyung stated as a smirk formed on his lips, the gleam in his eye twinkling as though it was smiling in accomplishment.

"I don't know Tae, that's a bit extreme." He muttered anxiously, his acting was awardable. "What's wrong, you chicken?" You were encouraging him, it didn't take much before he agreed. "I ain't a pussy so I'll beat the pussy." He said laughing as he arose to his feet and took you by the hand.

"Don't worry I'll be gentle if it's your first time." He spoke softly, loud enough for the others to hear but the tone in his voice was suggesting he was trying to be sensitive.

"Don't be dumb, I'm flattered that you think I'm innocent but you aren't the first to have the luxury of fucking me and you probably won't be the last, unless your so good you dickmotise me." You suggested, the others were laughing in the background as you paced towards Tae's bedroom, hand clasped tightly in Kookies.

Audible moans were coming from the bathroom and you smirked thinking about how that would be you soon enough. "Yoongi sure is doing a good job." Jungkook choked out while passing the bathroom. "Bold of you to assume Yoongi is the one doing the fucking." You giggled to yourself.

Jungkook opened the bedroom door dragging you in behind him, he closed the door behind you, leaving his hand resting beside your head, you were trapped between Jungkook's body and the door.

"I'm going to be the last person to fuck you." He growled before slamming his lips onto yours, he was being so honest with his feelings and it turned you on. Your lips moved against each other's sinfully as he stole your breath away.

His hand dropped from the door down to your waist, he gripped tightly while he eased his tongue into the kiss, exploring you as your tongues danced in synchronisation.

You pushed him away roughly, causing him to fall to the bed and you followed, straddling him as he gripped your ass, his hands had snaked up underneath your skirt, he squeezed your cheeks harshly as you attacked his neck with hickeys, your tongue gliding along his skin eliciting sinful moans from his parted lips.

"Fuck." He moaned sharply, throwing his head back in pleasure. You'd found his sensitive spot, you nibbled gently below his ear before licking it playfully. His hands moved slowly, his fingertips tugging at you panties. You whined as you lifted yourself from his lap, he curled his fingers beneath the fabric of your red laced panties and pulled them down excruciatingly slow.

He bit his lip seductively while admiring the already wet panties in his hand before throwing them to the side. You fell to your knees and began fumbling with Jungkook's belt, you slid it out his jeans and let it fall to the floor while he removed his pants eagerly.

He was left in his boxers, his bulge visible, you rubbed over his length through the fabric, feeling his stiffness. Your eyes widened with desire. "I want to make you feel so good." You whispered softly while looking up at him through your eyelashes, he swallowed the lump forming in his throat and you took this as a sign to start.

You tugged his underwear down slowly to build suspense before taking his length into your hand and bringing it to your lips, you opened your mouth allowing your tongue to roam along his tip, swirling around his slit as precum began to leak out impatiently. You coated your tongue before taking his dick into your mouth, it slid to the back of your throat enthusiastically, like it belonged there.

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