Say my name

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"Fuck I can feel you." Jimin said as Jungkook entered you completely.

"That's the best part." Jin shouted while smiling awkwardly at Namjoon, who also had a smile stretching from ear to ear and a red blush painted across his cheeks.

"It feels amazing but no homo." Jungkook groaned out as he began to buck his hips, rubbing his shaft along Jimin's through the thin layer of skin. "All the fucking homo." Jimin moaned, joining in, he increased the pressure as they glided past one another.

When Jungkook dove in Jimin pulled out, this was the pattern they had developed, you felt everything, every mesmerising movement, every sinful contact and every hot breath that Jimin placed on your neck. You cursed at Jimin's pace, his speed was fastening, pushing in deeper, devouring your morals as he stripped you of your anal virginity.

"Fuck J-Jimin." You moaned softly into his neck, nuzzling him for comfort. Jungkook was getting aggregated by the display of affection, if anyone would receive praise it was him. He reached down and gripped your neck, wrapping his fingers around your tender skin, choking you possessively.

"Say my name." He grunted as he rolled his hips harder, and harder until his name escaped your lips. "J-Jungkook." You whimpered, choking out your words, as they pushed passed his grip.

His grip loosened after the recognition and travelled to your breast; which were still covered by your shirt, it was too tight to remove in this position, instead his hand snaked underneath the fabric, pushing passed the wire of your bra, where he met your nipple. He cupped your left breast, playing with it like bread dough. Paying extra attention to the nipple as he pinched and tugged.

"Ah." You moaned at the contact, your nipples were not that sensitive but the sudden feeling of pain aroused you, causing your nipples to stand at full attention as they begged for more.

Jimin saw this and mimicked Jungkook, taking control of your right breast.

"Jesus fucking Christ this is the best free porn, I've ever seen." Hobi spoke up from nowhere, causing you to giggle.

Jungkook was so indulged he neglected to notice how close you were, his eyes were fluttering, like the butterflies that were trying to escape your stomach. Jimin however, was completely aware, he lowered his hand to you clit and rubbed it frantically, trying to push you over the edge.

His efforts were rewarded when a string of violent moans rushed from your mouth, your legs shaking uncontrollably and your back jerking as you came all over Jungkook's dick, coating him in your wetness as his name left your lips.

"Jungkook." You whimpered, his attention focusing down to you as your walls wrapped around him, denying him permission to leave until he climaxed. Your pulsing walls were swallowing him, as he slid deeper into paradise.

Jimin was a moaning mess, breathing frantically as he tried to hold out longer than the younger.

Jungkook was too perplexed by the feeling to spare a thought, he threw his head back and arched his back as he released, he pulled out causing the string of cum to shoot on your thighs, covering you in his pleasure, before getting dressed.

Jimin released soon after, cumming inside, taking Jungkook's climax as his victory.

"Fuck!" Jimin cried out as he felt his climax leaving him. You stood up, giving Jimin space to reign his stamina, you moved with support from Jungkook. "That was amazing." Namjoon praised as you stumbled to the bathroom, your ass still aching.

"You're telling me." Jungkook said as he supported you to the bathroom. Jimin pulled his clothes on and sat beside Joon, to give him the tea.

Jungkook waited outside the bathroom while you cleaned yourself up, it took a while so he knocked on the door gently. "Are you okay?" He questioned. The door flew open and you pulled him in, capturing him in your embrace before pushing him to the sink as you stole a kiss.

He deepened the kiss, wrapping his arm around you. "I like you." He said breathlessly as he broke the contact. You laughed hysterically, causing his expression to drop. "What? You don't like me?" He whined, frustrated that he misread the situation.

"I do but I can't take you seriously when there's a cum stain centimetres away from your face." You continued to laugh as you pointed to the cum that rested on the mirror, above the sink.

"Yoongiiiiiii!" Jungkook screamed.

A/n: I will be doing a Q/A if there's any questions you'd like to ask the characters or me 😂

If you want more books in the future, feel free to follow me since I have a few in the works and also for updates I post on my Instagram @kookieclearly

But for now that's it. I hope this was a good end to the book, sorry if it wasn't what you expected. I might take suggestions if there is any scenes you'd like me to write specially. I can't guarantee I'll write them but if there is one that catches my eye I will consider.

 I can't guarantee I'll write them but if there is one that catches my eye I will consider

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