Dirty little secrets

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A/N: to avoid any confusion for those who forgot the seating arrangement is you, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook, Jin and Namjoon this is clockwise.

"My turn finally." Jimin said, breaking the silence, the heat in your cheeks vanished as your attention turned back to Jimin. "Taehyung, truth or dare?" Jimin spoke softly.
"Dare." He said, he wore a brave façade but it soon vanished when Jimin snickered "I dare you to palm Joon through his pants while whispering dirty little secrets in his ear."

"Get your nasty ass over here." Joon laughed, waiting for his free dick massage. Taehyung sighed before making his way over to Namjoon, he moved his lips close to Joon's ear and whispered  "I really wanted to touch myself today, I've been a needy boy." He brought his hand to the bulge in Namjoon's pants and began slowly caressing it as he continued spilling naughty secrets.

"I'm daring y/n to do naughty things with Kookie, I bet you wish that was you, so you could fuck her tight little pussy." He bit his lip, regretting what he'd just let slip. Namjoon moaned softly and Taehyung felt a tent forming in his pants as he rubbed vigorously, he took this as a sign that he'd done good enough, he moved back to his seat without a word.

"The fun begins now. Namjoon, Truth or dare?" Hobi had a smug look hugging his face.

"Dare, I ain't no pussy." Namjoon answered and the smirk Hobi was harbouring grew larger. "I dare you to take a shot from y/n's belly." Namjoon bit his plump bottom lip and nodded his head eagerly.

Since this wasn't your dare you couldn't deny it, you laid back pulling your shirt up to reveal your stomach and red laced bra. "Matching I see." Yoongi laughed, the image of your panties still fresh in his mind.

Namjoon grabbed a shot glass and poured the contents into your belly button, trailing the rest up your chest. You giggled at the feeling, it was cold and you'd never done this before.

Namjoon held your shirt up with his left hand, while his right was on the ground supporting his weight as he hovered over you. His tongue left his lips and dived down to meet your stomach, it swirled around your belly button, collecting all the liquid before gliding up to your breasts, he stopped just below your bra and brought his face up before coming back down and leaving a wet kiss on your lips.

"That wasn't part of the dare Joon." Jungkook whined as he watch Namjoon stealing the kiss that was meant for him.

"At least mine aren't planned." He retorted, Jungkook shot a deadly glare at Taehyung, who laughed awkwardly, you didn't think much of it, everyone plans there dares before its their go anyway.

"Go back to your seat, it's my turn." Jungkook sighed in defeat, he couldn't argue with Joon when he was speaking the truth.

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