Who's next?

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Jungkook groaned at the feeling of your lips being wrapped securely around his cock as he thrusted back and forth into your mouth vigorously, hitting the back of your throat repeatedly, you moaned at the sensation sending vibrations along his dick, causing him to throw his head back while another moan escaped his lips.

You swirled your tongue in rhythm to his thrust, giving him your full attention. He held your hair tightly in his hand and pushed his dick deeper into your throat, his climax was close so you pulled his dick out your mouth quickly and pushed his chest back so he was laid on the bed, you climbed onto his lap.

"I don't want you to cum unless it's in me." You moaned out while lowering yourself onto his dick, adjusting to his size. His dick filled you up completely and your head flew back at the feeling.

Your hips started to roll, desperate to build friction, Jungkook noticed and began to move his hips, thrusting up into you. His hands gripping tightly onto your waist as he pulled you down onto his dick and hit deeper and deeper.

"Fuck me harder." Your walls were wrapped tightly around his dick, hugging his length as he built his speed. You slid your shirt over your head clumsily while he fuck up into you, he paused his movement and reached for your bra clasp, working his fingers around the hook, your bra fell down, resting on your arms. You threw it on the floor and placed one hand on his chest and the other on his thigh.

His eyes twinkled in awe as he watched you take control, you used his body as support as you fucked yourself with his dick, lifting up slowly before dropping back down, hitting deeper with each turn.

Jungkook's hands reached for your breasts as they bounced with your movement, he took your nipples between his thumb and index fingers and nipped them softly causing you to moan sharply at the new contact.

He sat up quickly, pulling you in closer, taking your nipple into his mouth and sucking it between his lips as his tongue flicked over it slowly, your breath hitched and he took the opportunity to switch positions. He rolled you over, now he was dominating you with all his strength.

His arms were resting on the bed, beside your arms to support his weight as he hovered over you. He placed a soft kiss on your lips before he began thrusting again. He started slow and built his speed as the pressure built in your stomach.

You tugged the bedsheets violently as he hit your gspot. "Ah fuck." You moaned loudly as he continued to pleasure you. "You like that baby" he groaned out as his dick dove deeper into your wetness. "Right th-there" You stuttered as you felt a knot from in your stomach.

Jungkook placed one of your legs on his shoulder, letting him fuck you deep without fail, gaining another moan from you. Lustful moans and the sound of naked skin colliding was all that could be heard in the room.

The feeling of his dick filling you up was sending you over the edge, your walls tightened as you felt your high coming. "I'm going to cum." You moaned out between hitched breaths. Jungkook's pace fastened and his grip on your milky thigh strengthened as he chased his high too.

Your legs shook intensely as the pressure that had built was released all over Jungkook's cock, coating his length in your cum.

He groaned as your pussy pulsed from pleasure, squeezing his dick tightly, threatening to keep him inside. His thrust became needy as you rode out your high, he threw his head back as he released inside you, joining you in ecstasy.

He fell beside you, his chest heaving as he collected his breath, the two of you laid there silently as the euphoria faded. You laughed softly before rolling onto your side "I'm glad you asked Taehyung to dare us." Jungkook's eyes widened in shock from hearing your words.

"You knew this whole time." Jungkook whined in defeat. "You thought Joon would keep his mouth shut." You laughed slapping his chest before rising from the bed and putting your clothes back on.

"But you still played." He said throwing his pants back on. "I couldn't resist the jungcock I guess" you laughed again, it wouldn't hurt to keep your crush a secret for a little longer.

He smirked at you as you reached for the door nob, you turned the handle and peered down the hall to see all the boys rushing back to their seats. "Looks like we had an audience." You said while walking back to the guys. "Guess they couldn't resist the jungcock either." Jungkook said before falling to the floor.

"Now who's turn was next." Jungkook said looking around the circle for the next victim.

The end... maybe

If people want another part with another member I'll consider it but it was only supposed to be a short book, hope you liked it and if you did drop it a vote so I know or leave a comment, I would appreciate the feedback. Bye 💞

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