That's the best part

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Your lips closed around his skin, creating a scene so erotic that Jungkook couldn't help but slam back into you.

This was no longer just a dare, this was a competition for dominance.

His movement was fast and his thrusting rhythm danced in sync with the rising of your chest, building pressure with each movement. The way he slammed into you repeatedly made your walls tighten and pulse in ecstasy.

Your movement paused as you reaped the pleasure that Jungkook was delivering. Yoongi loved the sight, rereleasing a continuous flow of soft moans as Hobi stroked his dick, Jimin felt the opposite, he placed his palm behind your hand, locking his (small) fingers into your hair and pulling your face towards his base, making you gag in reaction.

His fingers remained intertwined within your locks of hair as he thrusted into your mouth, making you go lower with each thrust and allowing his dick to reach deeper and deeper until he was rubbing your throat erotically with his tip, he sealed his eyes tightly as he tried to control himself and prevent himself from cumming too soon.

Taehyung however, didn't like helplessly watching as Jimin took dominance over your body, so he did what any good friend would do and slipped into the centre of the circle. Taking his position beside Jungkook and spitting on his slender fingers, before lowering them down, careful not to disturb Jungkook and tarnish his concentration.

He followed the wetness that graced your thighs, using it as a guide as he travelled up to your clit, he used his index and middle finger to draw circles over your clit while Jungkook continued to devour your pussy.

The stimulation was doubled as Jungkook stimulated your hole while Tae caressed the entrance and you couldn't take much more as the wetness spread between your legs uncontrollably as a sign of gratitude. The moans you wanted to release were trapped by Jimin's throbbing dick, which blocked the exit of your mouth, instead the vibration echoed along his shaft, causing him to throw his head back at the sensation.

His pleasure was interrupted when he opened his eyes to see that Taehyung was also pleasuring you, he pulled his dick out with a pop and shuffled beside Jungkook. "Let's change position." He instructed. Jungkook nodded and pulled out, trying to be selfless.

"Also Taehyung you're not involved in this dare." He stated harshly. "So kindly take your fucking seat." He hissed aggressively causing Taehyung to sigh as he moved back to his seat in disappointment, noticing the others all had their dicks in hand he joined them, taking out his cock and disappearing back into the 5 person audience.

"Which hole do you want?" Jimin asked Jungkook, without even checking for anal consent. "I want to keep fucking her tight little pussy, obviously." Jungkook replied, annoyed that he even had to pulled out in the first place.

"Who the fuck said you can fuck my asshole?!" You complained to Jimin, he smirked before shooting a look to Namjoon, who had cum all over his hand, Jins cum of course. Jimin wiggled his eyebrows at Namjoon, signalling his intentions.

"Oh, Jimin truth or dare?" Namjoon asked after catching the sign. "Dare." Jimin answered sternly, completely aware of what he would be doing. "I dare you to fuck Y/n in the ass." Namjoon laughed wickedly as he saw your expression scrunch up at the sight of them colluding.

Jimin turned to face you smugly "he did" he said deviously, replying to your statement from earlier. Jimin laid on the floor and patted his thighs, beckoning you onto him.

"Wait." Jungkook intervened. He grabbed you softly and lowered his hand to your womanhood, gathering your wetness, before spreading it around your ass for lubrication. He placed a kiss on your forehead gently. "It shouldn't hurt as much now." He said reassuringly.

Jimin tutted in the background. "Are you done with all that pussy shit." He rolled his eyes. You nodded, making your way over to him, you slowly lowered yourself onto him, spreading your cheeks as he filled you up. Jungkook could help but stare at your beauty even if it was while Jimin entered you.

"Rest your back on me now baby." Jimin breathed out as you reclined your body down to meet his, your head rested on his shoulder and your back was met with his solid abs. "Okay now spread those pretty legs wide enough for Kookie." He whispered into your ear and you obeyed, moving your legs enough for Jungkook, while Jimin was inside you.

Jungkook fell to his knees and crawled towards the two of you. "I'm going to put it in now baby." Jungkook said as he pushed his tip into your pussy. The feeling of his dick colliding with Jimin's through the thin skin that separated them made Jimin squirm in pleasure. "Fuck I can feel you." Jimin said as Jungkook entered you completely.

"That's the best part." Jin shouted while smiling awkwardly at Namjoon, who also had a smile stretching from ear to ear and a red blush painted across his cheeks.

Sorry about the quality, it was rushed since it got deleted because the save didn't sync 🙄 I hope you like it anyway.

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