Since you like games

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They were playing overwatch, it seemed like Jimin and Tae were having a 1v1, Jimin had chosen to play Widow Maker (for those who haven't played this game she's a sniper) he paused the game and passed the controller to Jungkook "thanks for taking over for me" Jungkook said as he took the controller from Jimin's small hands.

"You main widow maker?" You questioned, being an overwatch fan you were familiar with the characters, you'd never mention it before so they were unaware of your gaming ability.

"You play overwatch?" Jimin cheered, he seemed to admire you more now as though you'd gained a little bit more of his respect. "Yeah I play on Pc, I'm a Mercy main." You hummed, the fact that you fit perfectly into the stereotype of an overwatch gamer girl was frustrating.

"Figured you'd be a healer, you're a girl after all." Taehyung laughed smugly, he must've felt superior as a dps (offence) player. "Well someone needs to carry the dps players" You snorted, the group laughed as they saw Taehyung slump into the couch and hide his face in embarrassment.

"Since you like games so much let's play one where we're all involved." Jungkook said, changing the subject and easing the growing tension that was lingering between you and Taehyung. "What game?"Jimin asked, he was very competitive and loved being praised when he won. 

"Truth or dare." He suggested, raising his eyebrow, his lips twitch as he tried to mask the smirk that was stretching across his face. The others  looked at each other with puzzled expressions "while y/n's is here?" Jin replied, shooting you an unreadable look.

"Why can't I be here, you guys usually suck each other's dicks or something." You choked out, uncontrollably smirking as the words left your lips, it was obviously aimed as a joke but when no one else laughed, you gulped, swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat.

"What's wrong with that?" Yoongi sat up from the couch, his features were dead serious. "N-nothing." You stuttered, you knew these guys were just as horny as you but the thought that they indulged in one another never once crossed your mind.

"Shut up Yoongi, not everyone wants there dick sucked by Jimin and Hobi." Jungkook retorted as he threw the controller down onto the couch, you laughed at Jimin's face as he started blushing. "I guess that's why he's possessive of Hobi." You giggled and the guys joined in as Yoongi just shrugged and sunk back into his seat.

This was the perfect opportunity for you to touch Jungkook without having to confess your feelings "I'll play, but I have one condition."

Jungkook's ears pricked up at your response "go on" he said, listening to your demands. "You can only play truth twice in a row" you didn't want the guys to play respectfully just because you were there.

"Deal." Namjoon shouted from his seat on the floor, he turned his face towards you a smile creeping onto his features "that just makes it that much better."

Jungkook disappeared into the kitchen for a moment while everyone sat around the floor in a circle, Hobi threw you a pillow, he was so considerate to try and help you keep what little modesty you had left, you placed the pillow over your crossed legs as you all waited for Jungkook to return.

(Private Chat)

When you get your turn I want you to keep daring me and y/n to do stuff, make them exciting but build up the dirtiness so she doesn't freak out the first time around.

Taehyung's phone buzzed, he checked to see who was messaging him, he bit his lip and opened the message.

What's in it for me?

How about instead of a hand job you get the good succ so just help me out this time please...

Taehyung snickered to himself as he read the text.

I got you bro

Taehyung laughed and put his phone away. You threw a glance his way as he pushed his phone deep into his pocket, he looked back at you and smiled widely.

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