Welcome to mi casa

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The weekend had finally graced you, yesterday felt like it took forever to end and you couldn't wait to see the guys, you'd done nothing but have a shower all day, the rest had consisted of slouching as you watched the hours tick by until it was time to get ready.

Your roommate Yuna seemed to have notice the change in behaviour but didn't care enough to question it, maybe she thought you was just having a lazy day and didn't want to disturb you. She went into her bedroom and didn't speak to you for the rest of the night, she probably assumed that she'd still catch you laid on the couch later.

Your eyes darted away from the TV up to the clock as the hand reach 6, you eagerly pulled yourself off the couch and raced to the bedroom. You'd decided to be generous and give yourself exactly two hours to get ready, this was more than enough but for anyone else but for you every minute counted when it came to makeup.

Time flew by as you sat still while your playlist resonated in the background, the level of concentration was at its peak as you glided the eyeliner along your lids before applying false lashes. With the second lash secure the makeup was done and you had 40 minutes to spare, 25 of which were to be spent doing your hair and the other 15 for getting dressed and packing your bag.

(A/n: lmao y'all so pressed about the preparations, well excuse me you ain't about to catch me at a bts sleepover looking crusty as hell. I'm going full makeup, dick appointment ready! And I'd still probably forget to pack clean socks or my hair brush coz I always miss something.)

You had decided to straighten your hair in order to spare as much time as possible, it didn't turn out amazing but the odd wave gave it that natural beauty kind of appeal.

The outfit you chose to wear was a short black, plaid skirt that came midway down your milky thighs, exposing the majority of your slender legs, threatening to reveal them entirety if you bent over. The top was short sleeved, it was crimson red and it hugged your breast tightly.

Before running out the door you threw a pile of clothes, your tooth brush and tooth paste among with other essentials into your backpack, slipped your boots on and left the dorm, heading for the male dormitory without saying goodbye to Yuna, she seemed like an ignorant bitch anyways so she probably wouldn't notice you'd left.

Bros and a Hoe🤪
(Group chat)

Omg a Girl🌮:
Omw, shouldn't be long.

Gucci Boy👽:
Message us when you get here, we might not hear the door.

Omg a Girl🌮:
Oh okay, is everyone else already there?

Mr WorldWide💞:
Yes we're all here, everyone's playing games right now so it's hella rowdy.

Omg a Girl🌮:
Makes sense, see you soon.

You locked your phone as you turned the corner nearing the dorm, you entered through the front door before realising that you didn't even know what room number Taehyung live in.

Omg a Girl🌮:
I forgot to ask what number you live in? 😂 I've never been to your room before.

I should hope you haven't.
Not without me at least 😉

Bunny Boy🐰
Don't be gross.
I'll come down to get you, one minute.

Moments later footsteps paced towards you and your eyes met Jungkook's as he walked towards you. "Hey, sorry it took so long I had to tie my shoelaces." He giggle, the pain of having to re-tie shoe laces is real.

"Don't worry about it." You replied as he took your hand in his and led you down the hall, a blush crept onto your face as you looked at your fingers that were intertwined in his.

Jungkook paused and opened the door on his left, leading the both of you into the room where you were greeted with chanting and yelling.

Taehyung rushed to his feet to greet you, throwing his controller to the side midway through a game "welcome to mi casa, baby." He giggled, gesturing you in with a dumb look plastered across his face, while the other gawked at the TV screen watching as Jimin killed Taehyungs inactive character.

"Wow, it's exactly what I expected" you laughed as you sat beside Jimin on the couch, who didn't turn his face to look at you but nonchalantly said "hello" just so you knew that he was aware of your presence but was too preoccupied to greet you properly. The others mimicked him as there eyes remained glued to the screen.

A/N:  so I wrote this whole chapter in third person, then realised I fucked up and had to change all the pronouns... fun times.

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