Unexpected Date

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(Michael x Larry)

{Third Person P.O.V}

The first time the idea came up, it was rather totally unexpected. When Michael invited him to a date at an exhibition of medieval torture at a Denver museum, Larry could only think that he had certainly found his soulmate. For even if his visions of life and darkness itself were different, sharing issues such as the love of Gothic poetry or the setting aside from the Inquisition was itself miraculous in a town as small as South Park. For hours they walked through the aisles, sharing curious data that they knew about each of the devices, even correcting some data that was wrong in the explanation tabs.

{Later On}

The exhibition was almost empty by now, despite being in the state capital. Most of those who saw the two of them correcting some of the explanations to each other even approached them to ask if they were part of the exhibition. As bizarre as it sounded, in all the time they had been coming out, that was their best date, between false blood; wax heads in spade replicas; and the audio of screams, trying to copy one of the original torture, coming out of distorted loudspeakers. They returned to Michael's car to make the journey back to South Park, both of which felt a little bit wild. Even the goth was particularly conversational, counting once as a child that he had dreamed of how much he would've liked to be a torturer. To have someone's life in his hands, with absolute power over the person he was interrogating at the time. "You can interrogate me anytime..." Larry interrupted in the midst of the conversation, unaware of the excitement that had escaped his voice. Michael stopped the car so fast that the shorter vampire had to put his hands in front of him so he wouldn't crash his face against the dashboard. Their glances crossed for a second, silently. Michael's showed intrigued curiosity. Larry's held his embarrassment for saying that. But another second was all they needed. When two souls are as connected as theirs were, it takes no words at all to communicate. Dilated pupils and a couple of accomplice smiles were all they needed before Michael easily moved into the co-pilot's seat. Upon capturing Larry in a kiss, he reckoned the seat a bit for some space, tying his wrists over his head with the seatbelt. Larry knew he liked the role of submission. Maybe that's why he used to fall in love with kids who were natural born leaders. But this, this was a new world to him. It was one thing to feel subdued under Michael's gaze, but was another thing to be truly subjected to his mercy; to be able to do absolutely nothing by having his hands tied while the eldest moved from his lips to his neck.
"Mi-Michael..." He gasped nervously as he remembered that they were in the middle of the road, before letting go of a new groan when he felted a bite on his neck, right on the sensitive spot there. "Yes, love?" Michael replies back, cleaning up the little bit of blood that was accidentally drawn from the bite. "W-we're still in t-the middle of the..ah...ha..t-he street..." He struggles to remind him, trying not to give in to this part of their new relationship just yet. "Hmm...Yeah, that's true. Would you like to continue on home then?" Michael asks him, giving him a choice on what he would like to do. Larry takes the moment to catch his breath. He considers the options, really wanting to continue this, but not in the middle of the road. He finally replies after a bit, "L-let's get home..p-please..." Michael kisses his cheek then climbs back into the driver's seat. Continuing the drive, Larry tries to calm himself so he can think straight. The rest of the drive is going to be a long time for him, now that Michael has a smirk on his face.

(Hey everybody! It's the Author here. Here's a somewhat updated version. I plan on updating and changing a few things in these stories, as well as adding some new stories. Stay tuned you lovely readers! Bye for now)

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