Once Lost is Found

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(Pete x Actual Vampire!Mike)

{Pete's P.O.V}

Currently, I'm awake in bed inside of the trailer that I live in. The one guy, who I thought I'd never see or have to deal with again, is asleep on top of me. Mike Makowski wasn't here before, the bat was. 'Is he the bat that I got from the pet store then?' I think to myself. Now, being stuck in this situation, you're probably wondering, "Pete, how the hell did you possibly get yourself in this specific situation?" Well, I'll tell you what I have concluded on, since I probably won't be able to move for a while. I guess it might've started when I came across this pet store in town..

I was walking through town, lost in my thoughts again. I'm currently in senior year with Henrietta. Michael had already graduated at then end of last year, and he had moved out-of-state at the end of the summer to go to the college he got into. Firkle, who is currently in 8th grade, had moved with Michael. After Firkle's parents had gotten into a deadly car accident, Michael had stepped in to be his legal guardian so that Firkle didn't get put in a foster home, or in one of his weird relatives' homes. Anyway, they still have contact with us, and they currently plan to visit during the summer. I can't help but to look back to what happened in 4th grade, and then what had happened in freshman/sophomore year. After we had mailed Mike to Scottsdale, the "Vampire Society" (as they called themselves) had a temporary leader until Mike returned. I think he went but Ravyncrowe, but his real birth name is a mystery. Three years had passed, and this guy who went by DarkHeart, but his real name was Larry, had gone missing. It turns out he left to go looking for Mike, but hasn't gotten back. After two more years, the starting of freshman/sophomore year, the goths and I couldn't believe what we had saw when the remaining members of the "Vampire Society" walked into school looking and being completely normal. No vampire outfits, little meetings, or actions. And they definitely weren't wearing their plastic fangs anymore either. It's like their vampire obsession never happened. Also, though I don't think anybody else noticed, but a new kid had shown up in school. He looked to be a year older then me, which means he was in the sophomore class with Michael, and he seemed to around Michael's height too. This guy had black hair, though I don't know how long since he always had on a black hoodie with the hood up. I could never see the shirt underneath the hoodie, but he wore black boots that definitely gave him a few extra inches of height and dark grey jeans. I also couldn't ever see his eyes completely, but he seemed to have green eyes. This guy seemed to just 'ghost' through school, and I mean this because he would show up to class, but his name was never called on the attendance list. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention? I don't know. Anyways, I snap out of my thoughts as I notice that I'm standing out a pet store. 'Hmm..' I think to myself. 'What kind of pet store calls their store "Exotic Pets"? I bet they'll just have the same "exotic" pets as always.' I decided as I walk into the store and past a few aisles. 'Hmm... Snakes, insects, birds, cats, dogs, bats, and fis—wait a minute. Bats?' I stop and take a couple steps back, entering the row with the sign 'Bats' hanging from the ceiling. Sure enough, there's a glass cage with different bats in different sections of the pretty dark cage. Even though I'm definitely not getting one, I do look at them. They all seem to be sleeping upside down from fake branches, which makes sense since it is daytime. But the one that's awake catches my eye. I walk over to its part of the cage and read its label tag. 'A small male flying fox bat. Why is it awake?' It stares at me as I am thinking. I put my hand on the glass as I re-enter reality again, and just in time to see the small bat put it tiny claw-like fingers at the end of its wing against the other side of the glass behind my hand, staring at me with its green eyes. 'Huh. I suppose adopting this one won't be that bad. Beside, my parents won't care since they left me alone three years ago.' I smile a little bit at thought of getting this little bat, but then stop since I am not going to be caught smiling. I still adopt the little bat with green eyes, and as I'm leaving the store with him inside his box, he decided that being inside the box wasn't comfortable, so he climbs out and up my jacket sleeve to hide into the hood of my jacket. I don't notice until when I get back inside my trailer that this little bat has decided to sleep in my hood. 'Well then, he's definitely a smart little bat. Hmmm.. I need to give him a name. Cause I definitely cannot keep calling him "little bat".' I think to myself as I head into the kitchen part of the trailer to get myself a snack. As I do, the little bat wakes up and jumps out from the hood of my jacket and glides down onto the kitchen counter. He watches me with interest as I open the small fridge in here and pull out a box of fresh green grapes and strawberries. I finally notice him on the counter when I set the box right next to him on the counter. After I open it, he peeks into the fruit box with interest. I take out a strawberry and give him it, which he happily takes and starts eating the strawberry. 'He must like strawberries then.' I keep feeding him more strawberries, stopping every once in a while to pick up a grape for myself to eat. "Hmm.." I say out loud, getting his interest and attention on me. "I think I'm going to call you...Hex. That seems to have a right fit for you." I tell him, staring back at its green eyes. He quietly squeaks in approval of his new name, and continues with eating his 4th strawberry. After a few months, Hex waits in his cage in my trailer for me to return from school, or from a hangout with Henrietta. He doesn't seem to do much during the day other than eating and sleeping. So tonight I've decided that I'm going to take him out of his cage so he can rest on my bed. After doing so, I get some pajamas out of my closet and go into the small bathroom. When I'm done changing, I walk back into my room and see him resting on the pillows on my bed. I sit down on my bed and suddenly feel really tired. As I laid down, I felt my eyes closing and Hex moving from my pillow onto my chest. He gets comfortable resting on my chest as I fall asleep...
{Flashback End}

I snap out of my thoughts to notice I can take in his current features since he looks different from back then. His long black hair is missing the green dye, but is cut shorter than the usual length of his hair. Only wearing sweatpants and possibly boxers, his skin is slightly tanned, but is still pretty pale. Definitely has grown taller since the last time I had seen him though. Probably around Michael's height of 6'2" but definitely taller than me; I'm only at 5'7". His head is resting next to my neck, his face hidden in the crook of my neck. His arms are resting at my sides, while the rest of him is laying on me, except his longer legs go past mine by some inches. I can feel his eyes flutter open as his yawning breathe hits my neck unknowingly. 'Shoot, he's awake.' I think as he starts to move.

{Mike's P.O.V}
I yawn and stretch a bit, sitting up even though my mind isn't completely awake yet. I don't usually get up in the morning, but I felt like I needed to since I had switched from my bat form into my 'normal' form while I was asleep. 'Why is the bed so warm?' I think to myself as I close and open my emerald-like green eyes again, clearing up my sleepiness to see Pete staring up at me. 'Oh, right...I fell asleep on him..' He hasn't spoken yet, he's just watching me. "Umm...Hey Pete.." I say nervously, waiting for his response, expecting every kind of bad reaction from him. "Mike, how did you manage to get fucking back here? And what happened to Hex?" He asks me, surprisingly calm-like. "Umm..well.." I start. How do I explain this shortly to him? "Well, to start, I'm technically him, so he's still here. And I guess...that's a long story for another time..." As I finish saying that, he looks back up at me, staring into my eyes with his amazing brown eyes. "..Could you get me a shirt?" I ask him, breaking the silence. "Well, if you'd get off of me, I could probably give you a fucking spare shirt." He remarks sarcastically. Oh, right, I'm still on top of him, oops. I move off of him, resting next to him on his bed. He gets up and stretches, popping his back in the process, then moves over to his closet to get a shirt. "Wait, how do you have a spare shirt for me? You don't mean that it's one of 'his' shirts, per se, I would never be caught wearing it." I tell him, hoping that I wouldn't have to wear one of 'his' shirts, I always hated those button up shirts. He ignores me and continues to dig through his closet. He finally pulls one nicely pressed, white button up, long sleeved shirt. After a bit of arguing, I reluctantly take and put the shirt on. "See. Was that really so hard?" He asks me with an annoyed look on his face. "Yes, yes it really was." I replied, not looking at him since I'm slightly struggling with the buttons. He sighs and walks over to me, knocking my hands away and starts to button it up for me. While just watching him do this, I get lost in my thoughts. As he finishes, I put my hand on his cheek. He looks up at me and suddenly grabs the collar of the shirt, pulling me down closer to me. He pauses for a moment, staring into my eyes with his narrowed eyes. He then kisses me, and I rest my other hand on his hip, kissing him back with just as much love and passion. When he pulls back, breaking the kiss, he asks me "Do you know how fucking long you've been gone?" I run a hand through his hair, smiling at him sweetly. "Yes, I know how long I've been lost for, per se, but you've found me." I say softly, getting a smile back from him and another kiss. I know I've definitely found where I belong and will stay at. I'm never leaving again, and I can tell that he knows that. I love him, he definitely loves me, no matter if it goes against his gothic code. I guess the fortune teller I met along the way was actually correct about the future.

         "This truly is a happy ending."

(Hey everybody! Here's another updated version of this story. Only some mild changes to some things, since I've accidentally left out some things. Stay tuned for more updates and new stories, lovely readers. Bye guys!-Author)

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