Mixed-Up the Potions

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(Michael x Pete x Mike)

{Pete's P.O.V}
I'm currently in my Potions class with Michael. Why are we possibly here? Well, this one fucking guy, who just so happens to be the group's mortal enemy, had apparently caught us sitting in the courtyard smoking. He went and reported us to the headmaster in between classes, and got us sent to the rest of our classes as well as fucking detention. Like we'll go there anyway. So currently, Michael and I are supposed to make whatever potion the teacher said to make, but we decided we have other plans. While Michael is making the potion we plan on using, I'll give some information about ourselves. Michael is a 7th year Ravenclaw, Animagus wizard. He's currently 18, his Patronus is a raven, and not surprisingly, so is his Animagus form. I am a 6th year Ravenclaw, Animagus wizard as well. I'm currently 17, since I failed 6th year before with Henrietta, and my Patronus is a cat, and so is my Animagus form. I'm suddenly tapped out of my thoughts by Michael, who has finished making the potion we're going to use. "So, how do we get this to him and make sure it works?" I ask him in a full whisper. He replies back the same way as always, "You'll see soon. Just trust me on this." I huff at his response and watch the last of the potion drip into the glass bottle. He then picks up the bottle and caps it, giving it to me to keep safe for now. Just in time to, since the bell rings and others start leaving the classroom. We pack up our stuff and head out to the courtyard again, but get the closet entrance blocked by the group of Slytherins and some few loyal Hufflepuffs with their cliques' leader, Mike Makowski. They only glance at us, sneering only slightly, before continuing their conversation. I flip them off while walking the long way around with Michael. "Did you see that line of girls and guys. Seriously, I cannot believe how many fucking wannabes actually want to go this "Yule Ball" or whatever with him. That prick is just a spoiled brat." I say to Michael as well finally reach the other courtyard entrance. "Yeah, it's ridiculously stupid. Soon that won't happen anymore." Michael replies, still is the same dull voice as always.

{In the Slytherin Common-Room Later}
{Michael's P.O.V}
So, I wasn't completely honest with Pete earlier. There wasn't just Veritaserum in the drink, there was also some Amortentia in it that I've been needing to test. But it seems to have possibly worked, though he seemed to have fancied us before we had intervened. Anyways, I'm currently stuck sitting on a couch in the room. Mike is sitting right next to me, asleep with his head against my head. Pete is asleep across our laps, his head on Mike's lap. Also, I'm ignoring the other Slytherins that are trying to talk to me by listening to my music with my earbuds. I suppose this was a better outcome for my potions studies than what some other outcomes were. 'Maybe that's why he seems to be nicer when around us than when around his friends.' I conclude in my mind. I don't notice when Mike wakes up, but I almost punch him when he puts one of his arms around me and pulls me closer to him. 'By now, the potion should've worn off. But I can't tell if it has.' I think as he pulls me to lay down on the couch with him, not dropping Pete from our laps. He takes one of my earbuds out from my ear and tells me to get some sleep. "I suppose I could sleep for a little bit." I respond, realizing that I'm kind of tired. He rubs my shoulder comfortingly, falling back asleep afterwards. 'Heh. Still sleepy. And Pete's still asleep too.' I think as I drape one arm over Pete's chest. I finally close my eyes, falling asleep almost instantly.

Sometimes rivalries aren't actually rivalries, but instead are relationships.

(Hey everybody! It Author here with a new story for you. If you know the crossover, you're amazing. If you're wondering why they're in the houses that they are in, go ahead and ask me, I'll respond to your questions. More stories coming up for you soon. Have a lovely day/afternoon/night you great readers. Bye!-Author)

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