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('Prince' Vampire!Mike x Larry)

{Larry's P.O.V}
Now, I know my way around this huge mansion estate, after living here with my best friend and his family for so long. I'm kind of like a part of their family now. But there's this secret I've been keeping from his parents. I really love him, and we're actually dating. Since he's his family bloodline's 'prince', his parents treat him like royalty. But they keep reminding about his future responsibilities and duties. Though it's a little weird that their family uses monarchy terms, but I'm not going to tell them about my thoughts. I even get to be in his room and bed because his parents "don't have a spare room". I'm skeptical about that, but I don't mind it at all.

Speaking of which, I'm currently walking to his room since he had left the dining table and didn't come back any time afterwards. "Mikey? May I come in please? It's just me, your best friend." Knocking on the door, I stop to hear some muttering then a few light thuds on the door from the inside. I enter the room carefully, closing the door behind me. Seeing a few stuffed animals laying on the floor in front of the door, I question him. "Did you throw your stuffies at the door?" Picking them up from the floor and placing them back where they belong, I wait for a response. He only mutters something incoherent and buries himself in his comforter. Sighing, I make my way over to his bed and sit next to him on the other side. "What's got you all upset dear?" I ask, deciding to lay down next to him and hug him from behind. He rolls over to face me, and I gently kiss his forehead in a comforting manner. He pulls me into a tighter hug, which I hug him back with as much love as he shows. "What's wrong?" I ask again. He doesn't look at me, just buries his face in the crevice of my neck. "Can we leave yet?.." he asks, only barely audible enough for me to hear. I rub his back, calming him a bit. "Mikey, we've discussed this before, we can't leave yet." I can tell his mood has shifted since he doesn't respond, just starts kissing along my neck. Biting my lip, I try to stay quiet. I accidentally let a moan escape though, and it unfortunately catches his attention. I can feel him smirk and move back to that one spot, licking it then biting down hard. I moan louder, and he moves to other spots to get the same reaction from me. "M-Mikey...At least set the alarm for—a-ah~ t-the early morning.." He does stop for a moment and pulls away to set the alarm, giving me a moment to breathe. This is going to be a long night..

{3:30 A.M the next morning}
I quietly groan, hear this stupid alarm go off. I tiredly turn it off and lay in the quietness for a few moments, almost falling back asleep. I finally remember what the alarm was for and sit up, moving to open the beside table door. Taking out a bottle of painkillers, I take two then drink some water from the water bottle on the table. Finally realizing that I'm not wearing any clothes, I grab my boxers from the floor and put them back on. Then I move back over to Mike and gently start to shake him a bit. He groans, rolling onto his side to try to stay asleep. I gently rub his side and kiss his temple, finally getting him to at least open his eyes. "Whaaaat?..." He asks, his voice heavy from just waking up. I blush a little, forgetting why I woke him up for a minute. While I was frozen for a minute, he pulls me down in a gentle and loving kiss. I kiss back, pulling him back up with me, finally remembering why I woke him up. After a bit, I pull away and tell him, "We've got to get dressed and packed with enough to leave here. Come on dear." I move away and walk to the closet, letting him get up finally. He wraps his arms around my waist, resting his head on top of mine. "Look in the mirror, my sweetbrier." I glance to the full-body mirror that's hanging in the wall in the closet, noticing all the marks he left on me. I whine a bit, feeling like I look stupid. He turns me around and puts his hand on my cheek, lifting my head up to look at him. "I know what you'll say if you have to scold me again, so I'm sorry. I'll help you cover up, alright?" I only hug him tightly, hiding my face in his chest. He wraps his arms around my back, rubbing my back gently. After a bit, he says that we should get dressed. He helps me pick out an outfit that'll blend him with the public. While I getting dressed, I can hear him getting dressed as well. When I finish, I get out a traveling bag and pack some of the clothes I like into the suitcase. Since Mike's still not done yet, I pack his bag as well. As I'm finishing, he finally comes out of the bathroom and pulls me into a kiss, interrupting my packing. I still kiss him back though, wrapping my arms around him. After a while, we finally pulled away to breathe and finish packing. We then pick up our packed bag, and head downstairs quietly to leave through the kitchen door. After we get outside, we put our things in the car he owns and get in. He turns on the car, turning down the radio to a quiet background noise, and begins driving. We're finally out of town after a while, and we break the silence with our laughter. "How did you manage to stay so serious?" I question him, still giggling slightly. He shrugs, "My parents taught me about serious situations and when to be serious, I guess. I honestly don't remember how though." I giggle at his answer, smiling happily. "We've done it finally. I love you, Larry dearest." He tells me, smiling back at me, taking his eyes off the road for a moment. I peck his lips, still smiling. "I love you too. Now keep your eyes on the road, we don't want to crash." He rolls his eyes, but turns his attention back to the road. "Where do you want to go to now?" He asks me, turning off the radio completely. "Hmm... How about we go to the coast in California? I've always wanted to see the beach." I answer hopeful. He thinks about it for a minute, "It'll take days to get there and lots of stops. But if you really want to go there, we'll go. You start planning where we'll be stopping at, okay?" I nod excitedly. "You're the greatest boyfriend ever Mikey." He smiles again and takes one hand off the steering wheel to hold my hand. "And you're the most adorable boyfriend ever." I blush at his response, still not use to the compliments.

      Love always escapes any bad situation that is the obstacle with both lovers present.

(Hello everybody! Author here. Thank you so much for 100+ reads! You readers are awesome and amazing. Btw, the title reads "To the stars through difficulties". Requests are opening soon if you'd like to see another certain ship one-shot that's on the list. Have a spectacular day/night/afternoon everybody! Bye!-Author)

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