Music From the Soul

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(Tweek x Insomniac!Craig)

{Tweek's P.O.V}

Another day of work lies ahead of me at the coffee shop, but I'm just taking it slow while getting ready. If you asked why, well, it's because I'm currently listening to some calm song that my soulmate is currently listening to, wherever they may be. Now, it's not that I'm bothered by this, but sometimes it gets a little crazy. As I grab my coat, the music fades out, meaning my soulmate finally either turned it off, or fell asleep. 'Either their an insomniac, or they live on the opposite side of the world. But, when I mean them, the first thing I'm doing is helping them with their problems.' I tell myself, grabbing my to-go coffee mug that's full and heads outside. I lock my front door and walk down the street, sipping my coffee. Why don't I drive, you might ask. You see, I got my driver's license taken away because it was expired for over 2 years now. Also, I don't live that far from work. My parents are currently on a "vacation trip" in Paris, so I run the family coffee shop for them. It honestly isn't so bad though. There's only a couple people who come in for coffee, and various sweet treats some times. The only person I see regularly in the coffee shop would be Pete. He gets a plain black non-spiked coffee every time, which honestly isn't so bad. I usually prefer mine non-spiked, since I'm working to break my bad addiction, with some normal sugar in it though. I reach the coffee shop, unlocking and entering the building, turning on the lights. I walk over to the counter and enter the back room behind the counter to grab my apron. As I finish, someone suddenly walks inside, startling me since I wasn't expecting anybody yet. This is going to be a long day.

{To the Afternoon}
I hum quietly, cleaning the counter while listening to the music my soulmate is listening to. I don't notice as another customer walks in, listening to some kind of music in his earbuds. He taps me on my shoulder and I turn around instantly, startled by the sudden touch. As I gaze at him, I notice that his eyes have bags under them. He seems somewhat tired. He starts telling me something, but all I can hear is the quiet music playing; his quiet music that's playing. I think he notices my unresponsiveness because he pauses his music. All we can hear is the faint coffee shop's music playing now. "Could I get a short vanilla bean coconut milk latte please?" He asked, looking me in the eyes. "O-oh, yes! That'll be $2.49 plus tax, sir. And what's your name, sir?" I respond, trying not to look him back in his eyes. "It's Craig." He says while paying the correct amount, then stepping to the side to wait for his coffee. I put the money in the cash register and grab a short coffee to-go cup. I write my phone number and his name on the cup then make his coffee finally. When I'm done, I hand him his cup and tell him, "Have a nice day Craig." He suddenly takes my hand in his, pulls my hand closer, and kisses the back of it, telling me, "I'll see you later, soulmate. Keep your phone on." Then he takes his coffee and leaves, only glancing back at me to see my blushful face. I never knew my soulmate could be so romantic and handsome. "Someone's a little frozen today." I look over to see Pete watching me from the other side of the counter. 'I am so off my game today.' I think as I walk back to the counter. "Cat got your tongue, Tweek?" He queried, knowing something was up with me. 'I guess I could tell him everything , we are kind of friends by now' I tell myself in my mind, getting him his usual order after he pays. He sits on one of the bar stools at the side of the counter and sips his coffee, watching my movements while waiting for a response. After a bit, I finally spill everything that just happened to me. To say the least, he was shocked by this. "What am I going to do? I ask him, putting my face in my arms on the counter. "Well, I don't really know the answer to that, but you said you gave him your fucking number? Just wait for him to text or call you then. You don't have to worry about that if he doesn't ever show up again." He answers, taking another sip of his coffee. "You know what, you're surprisingly right." I pronounce, lifting my head up to look at him. "I'm always damn right, you just don't usually see it clearly." He replies, finishing the last of his coffee. "Well, I better get going. I've taken too long of a break now, and my boss will kill me if I'm not back soon." I look at the clock on the wall as he speaks, noticing that it's already 2:37 in the afternoon. "Oh...Wait, isn't your boss your soulmate?" I question, looking at him with a confused look. "We don't exactly believe in the whole "soulmate" thing, but yes, he is. It's called a figurative phrase Tweek. Bye." He leaves after saying bye, and I get back to work. Guess I'll be waiting for a text or call from my soulmate then. Oh, I hate the waiting game.

{To After Work Ends}
I'm currently walking down the street back to my house now. I already closed up the coffee shop and locked the doors. My phone suddenly goes off while I'm walking, so I take it out of my pocket to see that Craig has actually texted me. 'I guess he's waiting at my house.' I tell myself, taking a moment to reread the text. 'Wait, how does he know where I live?' I ask myself this, seeing my house in the distance. As I get closer, I can see Craig waiting on the porch of my house. When I'm finally at the door, he gets up from the chair on the porch and walks closer to me. He takes my hand and pulls me into his chest, hugging me tightly and whispers to me quietly. "I'm glad that I've finally found you. You're all I've ever wanted and more. Thank you for not leaving." I hug him back, rubbing his back a bit. "Of course I won't leave, you're my soulmate. I wouldn't leave for anything in the world." I say to him kindly, bringing inside with me. We later ended up on the couch in my living room, watching movies until we were so tired that we fell asleep on each other. It was such a great day, and there's many more to come. I'm going to help him with his insomnia, and he'll help me with my fear of my parents.

          My music has found me by my soul.

(Hey everybody! Author here again with another updated version. Seems like my stories getting longer. Lemme know you like the longer or shorter stories. Stay tuned for new stories coming soon. Bye for now you lovely readers!-Author)

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