Journal Entries Surprise

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(Wyvern!Ike x Karen x Dragon!Firkle)

{Karen's P.O.V}
This number has has been around for a while now, and it's currently getting on my nerves. It's on the mirror in the bathroom, the door of my room, my pillow, my food—just everywhere. Last night I told Kenny about it when I went to visit him and his boyfriend. He said that it's nothing to worry about, that it's just a "countdown until you find your love". It's really confusing, but I've decided to just roll with it.

Today I met a guy named Ike. I think I've might've talked to him before, since one of my brother's friends has the same last name as Ike. We decided to just hang out and get to know each other. He let me feel his wings, they're very smooth. He tells me that he's part wyvern, and after I ask what's that, he explains what a wyvern is. I tell him that they sound adorable, and he blushes a small bit. He asks about my wings; and I tell him that I don't exactly know. My brother always told me that I wasn't ever born with wings like everybody else. I always pretend that I'm always hiding them around everybody else, so no one gets suspicious. Ike soon has told leave, and after saying goodbye, he leaves. I realize that he's given me his phone number on the little slip of paper he gave me. I quickly put the number into my phone before I forget, then leave to go back to my apartment. I have work in the morning, so I need to sleep.

Today was practically a disaster at work. I stop at the local coffee shop to grab a drink and some food, and sit at an empty table in the back. I take out my work laptop and see what I can fix on my newspaper article that I've been assigned. Hearing someone quietly slip into that spot across from me, I slightly glance over my laptop screen. It's a raven-haired guy, maybe a year older than me, dressed in all black, and I'm assuming that he's also wearing eyeliner and a dark shade of purple lipstick. He seems to drinking coffee, and just scrolling through his phone. Seeing that we probably won't be talking soon, I continue working on the newspaper article. After a while, I notice a small note beside my laptop. I pick it up, noticing that the strange guy has already left, probably sometime earlier. Reading over it, I realize that it was written by the guy from earlier. He seems to want to meet back up here at the same time tomorrow night. I think about it, putting my laptop and the note away in my book bag. I get up, leaving a tulip to the waitress who was very patient and kind to me.

I've been chatting with Ike over that phone when I head the chance to during the day. Even though we've only known each other for about 3 days now, I feel like we've been best friends for years now. Telling him about last night's quiet encounter with the mysterious guy, he says that he might know who I'm talking about. He mentions that we all had gone to the same elementary, middle, and high school together. Surprisingly, we also went to the same college as well. I guess I've never noticed them before now, but that's okay. I got to meet up with them, so it's all okay. I've decided that I'm going to meet up with that guy again, hopefully get to know his name and his personality.

Last night was definitely a good choice I made. The guy said his name is Firkle, though I don't think that it's his actual name. But I'll go along with it since I don't want to upset him. Even though he seems like a mean, uncaring guy on the outside, he's actually a caring, kind in his own way once you get to know him. He also let me feel his dragon wings, they're only slightly rough and very beautiful. I answer him with the same response I gave to Ike when he asks about my wings. He seems suspicious, but he drops it for now. I asked him about what he does during the day, and he said that he works at a pet shop. That surprised me a bit, but not a lot since he seems to be an animal lover—at least to some degree. I asked him if he has any other friends, and his calm face had become a frown. I gave him a hug and dropped the subject after that since it seemed to bring sadness to him. It was around 11:30 when we actually decided that we should get going. He insisted to walk me back to my apartment, so I let him, though I was guiding him to my apartment instead. Afterwards, he gave me his phone number then left. I went inside and startled my roommate—Tricia Tucker—by accident. I apologized and went to bed after that, not wanting to be questioned by her. I have to go now, work is calling me out again.

I had suggested a hangout with Firkle to Ike, and he seemed to agree after some thought. After I had gotten Ike on board, I asked Firkle if he'd come hang out as well. It took some convincing, but He eventually agreed to come over. Tricia had luckily been out for the whole day, visiting her older brother and his husband. We actually had a great time, though Ike and Firkle seemed a little familiar with each other, but I didn't question it. As they were leaving, they both gave me a kiss on my cheek. It was adorable, especially since Firkle seemed a little hesitant about. I bid them goodbye as they left, and closed the door behind me. Noticing something in the living room, I walk back into the room, finding Firkle's scarf and Ike's jacket still here. Welp, looks like I have a reason to see them again.

I can't believe it. So, today I was meeting up with Ike at the coffee shop to return his jacket to him. We hung out for a while and it was great, though I almost forgot to give him his jacket back. He drove me back to my apartment building thankfully, since I walked over earlier. But before I got out of his car, he kissed me. It wasn't anything hard and disgusting, like Kenny always told me it was. It was actually very gentle and amazing, not to mention that he kind of tasted like his cherry chapstick that he was wearing. When he pulled away, I said bye and got out of the car, quickly heading to my apartment. I could barely wrap my mind around it when I walked into my apartment, not noticing Tricia waiting on the couch. She tried asking me questions, but I couldn't answer. I was in my own little world at that moment, so she had to wait awhile til I came back down to earth. I confessed everything up to that moment to her. She did tease me about it, but I know that she cares about me deep down. Wonder what tomorrow has in store for me.

You would believe what happened today. Okay, so, I was playing video games in the living room when I heard a knock on the door. I paused the game, getting up and stretching before answering the door. After opening the door, I see that Firkle is here. This'll make it easier to return his scarf, right? Wrong. I invited him inside, and we ended up hang out until it was also 2 in the morning. I handed him his scarf, saying that he should get going. Before he did leave though, he gave me a very gentle kiss. It was actually smooth and tastes of licorice. He left quickly after that, and I locked the door once it was closed. But I didn't notice the faded lipstick print on my own lips, so when Tricia got back, we had a talk about my current situation. She kept me up way later than it was, so I only got to sleep for about 3 1/2 hours. I need more sleep.

So I've talked with Ike over the phone first to see his perspective on this. He told me that he he really does love me, and he wants to be my boyfriend. I tell him that I will think about it, the I did the same thing with Firkle. He said pretty much the same thing, but less desperately than Ike. So now I have to consider both of them, but I can't decide. Am I allowed to have a love triangle with them? I honestly have no clue what to do about this. Help.

I did it, I actually did it. If you're asking what I did, I'll tell you in a moment. So I had a talk with Ike first, and he agreed to in a relationship with me and Firkle, though we don't know his opinion yet. Afterwards, I had a talk with Firkle. He had surprisingly agreed to it, not that I'm complaining. But now I'm dating both of them. I love them both equally. Right now, we're actually going out on a date right now, so I've got to get going.

(Hello lovely readers! Sorry for such a long wait. Thanks for 200+ reads! Requests are going to be open soon, so hang in here. Have a great day/afternoon/night! Bye! -Author)

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