A Human At Monster High

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(Werewolf!Stan x Blind Human!Kyle)

{Stan's P.O.V}
There's rumors going around this school about a human attending the school. And I honestly really want to meet them cause I've never seen a human before. The guys, Kenny McCormick, Tweek Tweak, Token Black, and Clyde Donavan, have only told me the bad things about humans. But I don't think they're that bad. I snap out of my thoughts as I hear the principal is calling me into his office. I wonder what I did this time to be called up there, or if one of the guys got me into their trouble again. Hopefully it's not going to be that.

{Kyle's P.O.V}
I get lost in my thoughts while the school's principal is trying to talk to me. 'I wonder if Craig already made it to his dorm room and is settled in. Then he could probably get to help me find my dorm room.' Let me explain about this current situation. Craig and I are best friends, and have been kicked out about 4 schools now. At our last school, we kind of blew up a portion of the west side of that building. Even though I had planned all the precautions for that, my eyesight has been damaged severely. So now I'm blind, Craig is hopefully going to be my guide around this school, and this is the last school that we're allowed to attend before we are expelled for good. I snap out of my thoughts as I hear the door open, just slightly turning my head to supposedly face the door and whoever just entered. Nervous shuffling feet enter the room, and the atmosphere in the room changes to nervousness. As the principal starts talking again, I renter my thoughts against, uninterested in whatever he's talking about. When I do slightly zone back in, I hear my name being said and talking about my dorm mate. My guide is going to switch between Craig and my dorm mate, this'll totally end well.

{Few Months Later}
"Staaannn! Hurry uupp!" I call from where I'm standing in the hallway. I'm currently waiting on him to get out of the bathroom so I can get changed. I hear him finally walk out of the bathroom, he responds to me. "Alright Kyle, I'm done, now you have your tur—" He stops speaking as he catches me since I tripped over someone's shoes in the hallway while walking to him. "Are you okay Kyle?" He checks for possible injures on me, though I don't think tripping over shoes would give me injures. I quietly mutter a 'yeah' as he apologizes to me. "I left my shoes in the hall by accident." He continues. "I forgot they were even there." He then bends down to grab the shoes out of the way, his tail brushing against my hands. I can't resist gently grabbing his tail, noticing that he freezes up immediately after. I start to pet his tail, muttering that it's soft and smooth, and suddenly stands back up. Grabbing one of my hands, I let go of his tail. "Don't touch, please." He tells me, letting my arm go, and walks to the living room to put his shoes on. I don't respond to him, I just walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me.

After finally getting dressed, Stan guides me around school because Craig was supposedly sick somehow. I don't really mind though since I like Stan, and Craig usually asks me a whole bunch of questions about how everyone treats me and how my eyes' bandages are doing, though he can clearly see that they aren't always bloody. Anyways, it's lunch time finally, and I'm currently sitting Stan and his friends since Stan's my guide and my friend. I don't bother eating since I don't eat anything they eat here, and I don't want to bother anyone. Suddenly feeling a gentle tap on my shoulder, I turn to "face" them and get asked "Are you the human we hear so much about?" Since I don't exactly know the voice that's talking to me, I confusingly reply yes. When someone's arms wrap around me, I internally freak out a bit. But realizing that I can hear Stan's protective growls, I figure out it's Stan who's hugging me. Gently patting his arm a bit, I calm him down a bit as he somewhat kindly replies to the voice from earlier, who's name is apparently Kenny. I'm not even listening to whatever their saying, something about 'being taken' and 'already in a relationship' I don't really know or care about it. I'm just feeling along Stan's arm since his arm is as soft and smooth like his tail. 'It's probably because his arms' hair is the same as his tail's.' Snapping out of my thoughts since I'm suddenly being guided somewhere else. "Stan, where are we going?" He suddenly stops, and I accidentally bump into his back. He turns around finally, and grabs my hand. "Don't be scared Kyle. We're only going outside. Come on." I quietly reply with an 'okay' as he continues walking, still holding my hand to guide me. I'm sure that underneath my bandages that I'm lightly blushing since my face feels somewhat hot.

Some time later, we've finally stopped somewhere. I think we're underneath a tree because it cooler than when we were walking in the sun. Feeling Stan put his hand on my cheek, I ask him what he is doing because I'm confused. "Don't worry about it. I'm not going to hurt you." He pauses for a few seconds, then continues. "Do you trust me Kyle?" I think about it a bit. We have become closer than we were a few months ago. "..Yes, I do Stan." After saying that, I feel his lips pressed against mine. Realizing what he's doing after a few seconds, I kiss him back, stumbling backwards a bit since he moved closer. I pull away after a little bit, hearing him slightly whine from ending the kiss. "Stan, do you actually love me?" I hesitatingly ask him. "I've loved you for a while now Kyle." He pauses, thinking about something. "Will you be my boyfriend?" This question shocks me quite a bit, and before I can answer he keeps talking. He said it too fast and I couldn't understand him, so I ask him to repeat that slower. "I know you don't like me like that though. Because, I mean, you can't see me or anything and-" I cut him off with a quick kiss on his lips, though he makes it longer than a quick kiss. When I pull away again, I tell him what I've thought over for a while now. "Stan, I do love you too. If you' willing to continue putting up with my sightless human self, of course I'll date you. Even if I can't see you or anything else in this world, I know that you still are adorable when you care for me." I smile at him happily, showing that I really do mean it. I think he smiles back, because he sighs in relief. He suddenly hugs me, hiding his face in the crook of my neck. I hug him back and gently pet his head, telling him that he's being adorable again. He giggles a bit and tells me to be quiet, and I reluctantly decided to listen to him. I'm going to cherish this moment for forever.

        Love comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms. You don't have to have all of the natural abilities to be able to love someone and to be loved by someone. You just need to know where you can find it.

{Hello my lovely readers! It's me, ya Author. Here's another story for you, hope you enjoyed it. I've spent lots of time on this one, trying to figure out the right ways of things in this one. Continue being awesome readers, and have a good day/afternoon/night. Bye!-Author}

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