Love Always Wins

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(Michael x Pete)

{Third Person P.O.V}
To say that things for the group of four goths were currently going well would be a lie.

Two and a half years ago, Pete had enough courage to ask Michael out on a date, ignoring how 'conformist' it sounded. Michael had agreed, so they started dating. It wasn't a surprise to Henrietta and Firkle since they were already expecting it, and didn't mind a whole lot.

After a year of things going peacefully, Michael and Pete had ended up in a serious car crush, and the driver had been arrested since she had been 'drunk while driving,' according to the police statements. They had been rushed to the ER, both unconscious and in critical conditions. Pete had luckily woken up half of two weeks later, healing well. He wasn't allowed, by the doctor, nurses, Henrietta, and Firkle, to go see Michael though. He was worried, but brushed it off since he decided that it was probably because they were both still healing. But when he was fully better, he still wasn't allowed to see Michael, which caused him to start worrying a bit. He had tried to figure out a reason why he couldn't go see him, but couldn't find a reason.

Now a year and a half later, he finally finds out what's wrong and where Michael is currently at.

{Mike's P.O.V}
Humming a bit, I go around cleaning up my house that I live in with my boyfriend. A "friend" of ours came to us a a long while back with a favor for us. She wanted us to take care of a comatose friend of hers, since the hospital couldn't have him stay longer. We agreed to help since we don't mind taking care of someone. I actually got my nursing doctorate degree, and my boyfriend got a doctorate degree in medicine, so this is good practice for us.

As I'm doing my routine around the house, I notice my boyfriend walking to the kitchen. He fixes a plate of the breakfast food that I left for him, then sits at the table to eat. I let him be for the time being, going to the spare bedroom with the 'patient' inside it. I check his machines first to make sure they're running smoothly, then I gently move his body a bit to keep his blood flowing. After I'm done, I just take a step back to remember the situation that lead up to this. I frown a bit, leaning against the back wall for support while my thoughts are catching up to me again.

Luckily I'm dragged back to reality by my boyfriend kissing my cheek, who had apparently come to check on the 'patient' as well as me—since he saw me walk into the room. "Good morning Mikey. How long have you been awake for this time?" He asks me, looking up at me—since I'm about 8 inches taller than him since he had last grown. I respond to him, half smiling at him. "Good morning Larry. Been up for probably about three hours now. Did you sleep well?" He smiles back, glad to have me talking today. "Yes, I did. You do know that you could talk to him, right? He still is there." I quietly sigh, knowing what he meant. "Yeah, I know. I just think that it'd be weird, especially considering our history..." He gives me a hug, comforting me. "It doesn't hurt to help him, honey. He needs all the help he can get to be able to come back." I hug him back, picking him up so he can be at my eye level. "I know, I know. Hey, did you have any luck with finding out how to contact his boyfriend—Pete I think?" I ask him, hopeful that his answer is good this time. "Actually, I did. He should actually be coming right about now."

Right when he finishes his sentence, the door knocker is harshly rapped on the door in quick, but hesitant, knocks. "Looks like he already here. Must've been a long drive since we don't live in South Park anymore." He pecks my lips and I set him down. "Don't give up yet Michael, you two will finally be somewhat reunited again." He goes to get the door afterwards finished speaking, since the doorbell still hadn't stopped being rung. I swear I saw the slightest twitch of his fingers, so hopefully that's a good sign.

Listening to what I can hear from the room, I can hear Larry bringing the guest, Pete, inside, offering him something to drink that's not coffee. "Yep, he's here...Try to give him the best sign you can that you're still there, okay? It'll definitely mean the world to him....Stay awake Michael." I leave the room, closing the door behind me quietly. Walking towards the living room, I brace myself for all the questions he may have.

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