10 Things I Hate About You

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(Henrietta x Fem!reader)

Requested by NatalieEnglish9

(A/N: My inspiration is the photo up top. It's a poem from a movie. If you know the movie, you're cool.)

(f/b) = favorite band
(f/h/c) = favorite hair color

{2nd Person P.O.V}
Waking up, you sit up and stretch, almost forgetting that you have to go to school today as you wanted to go back to sleep. You had moved to South Park and have lived here with your cousin's foster family because your parents got divorced and wanted nothing to do with you. You actually have two blood relatives living in South Park, both are your cousins; one is younger than you by a few years and one is older than you by a year. And your younger cousin also lives with you and your older cousin since this is only his blood relatives left. But your cousins don't usually get along with each other outside of the house. That's why people would be surprised if you told them that a vampire and a goth kid get along with each other. You three usually go on adventures outside the house in normal-ish appearances after school when you three aren't busy with other things. You're pulled out of your thoughts as your younger cousin takes your hand and pulls you to a random hallway in the house, alone.

"What's up Firkle? You could've gotten my attention another way you know." You tell him, confused by his action.

"...I have a poem for you. It's not mine, it's a friend's." He states, giving you a folded piece of paper. Before you can ask him what it's about though, he leaves the house, grabbing his bag out his way out the door. You shrug your shoulders, telling yourself that it isn't something too important, probably. Putting it in your bag, you leave as well, but close and lock the door since your the last one leaving your house. You take out your earbuds and plug them into your phone, playing (f/b)'s music as you walk to school since you had just missed the bus.

{Later, during your free period at the end of the day}
You had completely forgotten about the poem that Firkle had hardened you this morning. But you currently can't take it out and read it since you're hanging out with your older cousin, Mike. He does sometimes ask you if you'd join the vampires, but you always refuse since you like the way that you are. He only laughs it off with you after you refuse and twirl you around to some invisible music. People always tell you two that you'd make an cute couple, and you two laugh it off and watch their facial expression as you explain that their cousins. This period was no different for you today, but something seemed off for him. Going over to Mike from behind and hugging him, I surprisingly catch him off-guard.

"What's up with you today Mikey? You aren't usually jumpy." You ask him, concerned about his wellbeing. He chuckles a bit at your concerned look, but nonetheless tells you what's up.

"If you really must know, I kind of have a crush—two crushes..." He tells you, getting quieter throughout his sentence. You still hear it nonetheless, and begin bouncing in place from excitement.

"Ooo! Mikey likes two people! Mikey likes two peop—" You begin to chant, but get quickly stopped by his hand covering your mouth. Luckily for you, he isn't wearing his leather gloves, so you lick his hand to get him to let go. He pulls his hand back and wipes your saliva on his hand off on your jacket.

"Disgusting Y/n. But be quiet! The whole school doesn't need to know about it." You kind of mutter an apology, but still are still excited for him since he's never liked anyone before.

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