Life Under The Waves Exist

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{{Author's note- For appropriate reasons, some characters are teenagers in this, others might be a few years older for other reasons, like being a legal caregiver to one of the teens.
Thanks for understanding. Please enjoy! -Author}}

(Kenny x Prince Merman!Butters)

{Kenny's P.O.V}
It's around 7 at night, and I'm sitting on the wooden deck of the pier in front of the beach house that belongs to Kyle. Just watching the high tides roll in and crash into the breakers underneath the pier, and listening to the calming sound they make. 'It's almost too peaceful out here,' I think, noticing a very slight blue glow in the water. 'That's odd,' I get up, stretching a bit. 'There's never a glow in the water. What is it?' I was about to jump into the water to go find out what it is when Kyle calls for me. "Darn it," I mutter, backing up a bit from the edge so Kyle won't catch me near the "forbidden water". "Hopefully you stay right there." I whisper, hoping if the glowing thing is listening, that they'll stay put. Guess it's time to find out what Kyle wants.

{Butters' P.O.V}
I watch from underneath the waves as the boy backs up from the edge and disappears. I peek my head just enough out of the water to see him walk farther down the pier, whispering something I couldn't quite catch. 'Hmmm...wonder if I should wait for him to come back? Will he actually come back though, that is the question.' I pause my thoughts for a minute, listening to the ocean around me. 'I guess I could wait here for just a little while. I'm not needed back at home just yet,' I conclude. I decide the swim around the rocks that the humans consider "breakers" underneath the pier, trying to entertain myself by my whirlpools around the rocks.

{Switchback to Kenny}
When I finally return, the glow in the water is gone. I look down at the pier boards, slightly saddened by that, but then notice the glow in the water around the breakers. 'Huh,' I think to myself, sitting back down at the edge, with my legs hanging over it. 'And here I thought you left. Silly me.' It seemed to notice me at that point, because it swims back over to the edge of the pier underneath my legs in the water. The water then suddenly calms around whatever it is, and gets even higher, close enough to put my feet in the water. "Well then, hello there." I speak first, not really knowing if to expect and answer from it at all as it suddenly swims underneath my feet. It then peeks it's head up out of the water to look at me. And can definitely tell it's a guy, but he has some sort of fish tail, because people don't swim like that. He suddenly speaks, surprising me. "Hello! What is your name? My name is Prince "Butters" Leopard Scotch. Nice to meet you!" I chuckle a bit at his cheerful reaction, but I do response. "Hey there, Butters. My name is Kenny. Prince, huh? What are you the prince of?" I ask him at the end, kinda skeptical of what he could be the prince of. "Of the underwater kingdom Atlantis, of course!" He tells me cheerfully. I would love to see that if it was actually real. I just now notice that he has popped out of the water and is sitting on the deck next to me, showing of his merman tail? "Woah!" I say, inspecting his tail to see if it was fake. He giggles a bit at my reaction to his tail. "Do you humans always act like this? You're so silly." I blush from slight embarrassment and from the feeling that I got from his laugh. 'How was that so cute?' I ask myself in my head, expecting an unknown answer. I rub the back of my neck a bit, "H-Heh, no, not really. It's just a habit I have when finding or seeing something interesting. Sorry." I apologize to him, still amazed by his tail. "Aw, it's okay Ken! I don't really mind. I don't talk to humans often, since I'm usually saving them from their own ship wrecks, heh. Anyways, I'll have to show you Atlantis tomorrow since my guard/best friend is coming to get me." He tells me, looking out at the ocean. "Oh," is all I could manage to say. 'He already has to go? Why did I even start talking to him? I could've avoided th-' I'm broken out of my thoughts as he kisses my cheek. I look at him, and he's smiling at me. "Bye ya Ken! See you tomorrow!" He tells me before hopping back into the waves, swimming away once again. I sit there, frozen for a minute while thinking this through. I start to smile a bit afterwards, touching my cheek where the kiss still lingers. 'Bye Butters. Definitely see you tomorrow.' As I get up, I just realize something. 'Shoot! It's practically a date with him! This is going to be chaos!...Or it'll go great..' With that last thought, I head inside Kyle's house, not noticing the necklace that Butters had slipped around my neck while I was thinking. '...It's definitely going to go great.' I tell myself in my mind. I already can't wait for tomorrow!

(Hey everybody! Here's another updated version of the story. Just a few changes here and there. Stay tuned for some more stories coming soon. Bye guys)

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