Real Flowers Speak Better Than Photographed Ones Do

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(Photographer!Mike x Hanahaki Ill!Larry)

{Larry's P.O.V}
I've always been told that I'm delicate like a flower, but I've always laughed it off with the people who told me that. Recently I've discovered something that has been bothering me for quite some time now. I have this illness that's called "Hanahaki Disease", and it's reslly severe. But the thing is that it hasn't gotten too badly, so I don't know if it's going to end me or not. And I don't think that I love anybody, but the flowers tell me otherwise. The flowers are a turquoise-like color of blue-green carnation, and I've looked up what that symbolizes. It symbolizes true love, friendship, loyalty, and serenity; and it's apparently my 'soulmate's' favorite kind of flower. Now, I don't necessarily believe in that, but I do have a crush on this one guy—

"Let's go Larry! We're going to be late, again!" My roommate announces, looking for the car keys frantically. I roll my eyes and save my page, closing the journal I was writing my thoughts in. Putting it in my shoulder bag, I grab the car keys and swing them on my pointer finger as I walk outside.

After waiting for sometime, my roommate finally comes outside, looking relieved that I have the keys, and locks our apartment. He walks over to me, grabbing the keys while I was swinging them. "You really need to calm down, mate. How important are your photo shoots anyway?" I inquiry, actually wondering why he even has a job in photography. "They're very important, if not to you, then to me." He smiles, very happy with his response. I quietly scoff, but smile back, "Sure they are. So important that I'm walking faster than you, D." He laughs a bit and comeback, walking faster to catch up to me. Soon, we were engaged in a full-blown race to get to our car in the parking garage before the other. So I didn't notice someone walking around the corner I was about to turn, and ran right straight into them, causing them to drop all of their stuff.

"I am so sorry about that. I wasn't watching where I was going, really sorry." I already start to ramble on about how sorry I am, picking up some of their scattered papers and ideas as they also worked on picking up their stuff. "Hush, it's alright man. I hadn't noticed you and your friend running down the hall, so it's just my fault for not paying attention to my surroundings." The mystery guy tells me, finishing up with collecting his stuff, then reaching the stuff I had picked up for him. I got up and dusted myself off, then offered a hand to help him up onto his feet again. He accepted and grabbed my hand, allowing me to pull him up. I'm accidentally taking in all of this guy's appearance, and I feel like I already have a crush on him. Once he's up again, he dusts himself off. "Thanks for helping me, but I must really be gong now." He tells me, picking up what seems to his camera bag and slings it over his shoulder. "Yes, right! Of course! So truly sorry, again. Think I can repay sometime later when you're done with work?" I ask him politely, considering if I really want to deal with these feelings. He gives me a curt nod, a small smile, and a business card of his before he leaves to do whatever was currently important to him. I quietly sigh, pocket the card, then start coughing out of nowhere. Eventually it stops, but not before a few bloodied turquoise flower petals coming out onto my hands.

D rushes back over to me and asks if I'm alright, since he finally noticed that I wasn't with him. When he notices the flower petals, he starts asking more questions. After a while, he drops the topic and we finally reach the car. He unlocks it and we climb in, him checking everything before we head off. After we finally start leaving, I take out my earbuds and put them in, turning on my phone's music. 'Not going to sit through this boring drive without music.' I thought to myself, getting caught up in the music to even think straight.

{Sometime Between Important Photo Shoots}
I had noticed earlier that there seems to be a lead photographer who helps the others with things that they're doing wrong with the camera. When he had turn around and looked over at my direction, I realized that he was the guy I met by accidentally crashing into him. After realizing this, the coughing starts up again, but I managed to keep it somewhat quiet so I wouldn't bother the others working there. I walk to the bathroom, and end up spitting out small, bloodied, turquoise carnations along with a few more of their petals and some blood. This is not looking good at all. 'Just calm down and breathe. I'm fine.' I tell myself, hoping that I'll believe it and it'll go away, but it doesn't. I end up coughing up more flowers until my throat hurts. This sickness is going to eventually kill me. I can't tell him that I like him though. I'll just be denied, again. Suddenly there's knocking on the door.

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