Smile, The Worst Is Yet To Come

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(Creature-Whisperer!Firkle x CursedDragon Prince!Ike)

(A/N: Play the song when the next author note interruption appears.)

{Firkle's P.O.V}
I am currently walking through the forest, trying to calm my nerves. If you're wondering why, well it's because my friends had accidentally brought up the only thing that causes my nerves to spike: the dragon prince of Canada(which I've come to like for a while now, though I won't admit it to my friends) has been missing for 4 goddamn years now! And he hasn't returned or been returned yet, so people are losing hope in finding him. Why might I possibly care about him though? It's because we had become "good friends" in his opinion, and we were supposed to meet in this forest at night on this day of 4 years ago. He never showed up though, and yet I still come back to wait for him to show up. I still question why I keep coming back. Maybe I'm expecting him to show up one day and apologize on why he was gone for so long? I don't know, I suppose it might just be out of habit now. Anyway, I've finally reached the spot and notice that there's a cave in the side of the mountain that I've never seen before. 'Was it here before? Did I just never notice it until now? Why now though?' Thoughts are running through my head when I hear a quiet-like voice calling out to me. 'It's probably another creature,' I quietly mutter to myself, 'But why is it called to me from inside the cave?' I cautiously walk inside the cave, hearing the voice grow louder as I go deeper in the cave.

Finally, I reach a glowing chamber in this cave. Thousands of gold, silver, and other shiny items are glimmering in a mysterious light. Noticing a cliff that has an overhang above some of the items, I assume that the creature is up there and begin to slowly make my way up there, trying hard to not knock any of the items off since they're scattered and piled on every step up to the cliff. Unfortunately though, I hit a gold chalice with my foot, knocking it down and watching it plummet into the giant pile of glittering gold and silver items with fear of whatever's up there. The creature has stopped calling out by now. Hearing it move down the cliff slowly, I can't see it—like it's moving through the shadows as it crawls down the cliff. Suddenly hearing pretty loud steps behind me, I turn around and see a giant dragon—it's probably about 8'11" tall—that's pure white with some light blue. It's claws are sharp, wings look like daggers strapped together, and it's horns look more like antlers. Hearing it suddenly speak in a growl startles me, and it frustratingly repeats itself again.

"Who dares to interrupt me, Ivern, during my rest?" It pauses for a minute, observing me. "Who are you young traveler?" It growls out in a somewhat quieter voice. Thinking over my answers, I get a proper look at itself, and it's eyes seem to hold fear and worry in them. But why? It could easily kill me if I make a wrong move, so why is it worried? I answer it so I don't agitate it more than it already is.

"I will not tell you my name, but I would like to stay here for a while. I won't do anything to harm you or reveal your location." I tell it, seeing surprise in it's eyes. I guess it didn't expect me to be able to understand it. Getting lost in my thoughts, I realize that I've seen this dragon from before, but I don't remember from who. 'Maybe somebody I know is part dragon?' I think, suddenly being brought out of my thoughts by the drag—Ivern.

"You may stay, but any weapons you carry need to stay inside the golden-gemmed bowl." It states, easily climbing back up to it's cliff. I look around, trying to find the bowl it was talking about. Finally realizing that it's at the base of the cliff, I trudge back down over there and drop my switchblade inside of it. Once I've done that, I jump back as one of its claws reach out to me from where it's laying at the end of the cliff. "Come on traveler, you are slow at this." It growls, uncomfortableness showing in its voice. I reluctantly step onto the palm of its claws, and it slowly lifts me up.

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