Nighttime Troubles

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(Firkle x Ike)

{Firkle's P.O.V}
There's no way I'm sharing a bed with this annoying but adorable conformist. Or even staying in this room with him. Let me explain what's going on. I'm currently stuck in someone's bedroom in our dorm with the hottest nerd-jock, Ike Brofloski, because his friends, Tricia Tucker and Karen McCormick, thought it was funny to lock us in here until we got along. That happened 12 hours ago. It's currently 9:35 p.m, our phones are dead, and he's currently asleep on the only bed in the room. I'm tired from not being able to have any coffee, and I was awake all night last night. "Why?" you may ask. Well, what I've been told several times by my mom and my friends, when I stay over at their houses, is that I have "problems when I'm asleep". Apparently I have terrible nightmares and I toss and turn, mutter things, and sometimes am crying pretty loudly. The other problem is if I wake up or get woken up,  I never remember what happened after a few seconds of being awake. So I'm not going to sleep because I'm not going to bother Ike's sleep. You may ask again, "Why?" To put it shortly, I really like this conformist. I'm only acquaintances with Ike, and I know that he definitely wouldn't feel the same way about me. When I notice that I'm really close to falling asleep, I stop fighting it and lay on the bed, but close to the edge to be the farthest I can be from him. Muttering a quiet "Goodnight" to him, I drift off into the suppose-of start of a dreamless sleep.

{Ike's P.O.V}
I get awoken by suddenly being hugged and someone quietly muttering things in my shirt-covered chest. I open my eyes and see that Firkle is the one doing that. I smile sleepily and gently rub his back to calm him. 'If only he knew how I truly felt about him.' I tell myself in my mind. 'I can tell that he does love me because he tolerates me when none of his other friends can. But that's okay, I'll tell him when it's the right time.' I think as I notice that he begins to quiet down in his sleep, breathing peacefully. 'As he tells me I'd be the adorable one in whatever relationship I'd get into.' I silently snicker cause of my own thoughts. Noticing that he's beginning to wake up, I don't bother to move from the position we're in or pretending to be asleep. I just watch as he wakes up. After a bit of probably freaking out in his mind, looks up at me, meeting my gaze. His look on his face just say confused and embarrassed. So before he pushes away from me, I move closer to him and capture his lips in a kiss. I feel him freeze and tense up before kissing back. He suddenly stops and breaks the kiss, mumbling something about "we shouldn't-" and "I can't-". But I quiet him with another kiss, and he practically melts when giving in to the kiss. I run a hand through his hair slowly, accidentally tugging a bit because of the slight tangles in his hair, and he quietly moans while pulling me closer to him. As I pull back from him because of us needing to breathe, he's unable to open his eyes for a few seconds. When he does open his beautiful purple eyes, he pulls back further and covers his mouth with his hands. I smile at him and ask, "Was that your first kiss Firkle?" As he doesn't respond, I take his silence as a yes. He finally looks at me with a glare, I smile back at him as I say, "I do love you too Firkle." His glare then softens as he removes his hands from his mouth, asking if that's actually true. And I tell him that it is true, capturing him in another kiss. Let's just say that it was a long early morning for both of us, and my friends regretted walking in to check up on us.

    Restless nights are cured by touch of a loved one.

(Hello lovely readers! Author's back again! Thank you so much for over 50 views! Here's a new story for you, and more are on the way. Have a great day/night/afternoon. Love all you lovely readers. Bye!-Author)

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