H&H University

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(Demon!Craig x Angel!Tweek)

{Tweek's P.O.V}
Great! I get to start at a new school, new campus, with new people! Sure, some of my friends will be there, but we won't have all of our classes together!

Let me explain what I'm freaking out about. Hello, I'm Tweek Tweak, a 21 year-old angel, who's now having to attend H&H University. Why? Because my friends thought it would be funny to play a prank on some strangers, and it resulted in a fight. We had unfortunately been kicked out of our old college, and now have to attend a new university that was recently built. Who are my friends? Well, it's basically Kenny (Kennith) McCormmick, Leopold "Butters" Stotch, and Bebe Stevens. But I have some slight-friends—people I get along with, but don't hang out with all the time because of stuff. These slight-friends are Kyle Brofloski, Larry the 'vamp' kid—whose last name I honestly don't know, and Michael the oldest goth—whose last name I also don't know. Don't ask me how I get along with them, it's a stressful topic.

Anyways, we're technically all different by our ranks, but we actually get along when we meet up once in a while. What I mean by "ranks" are what side we were born on, what our wings look like, and what our family's angelic or demonic status is. I am a class 5 (Virtue) angel with regular sized white, fluffy feathered wings that fade into green at the bottoms. My friend all have very different ranks though. Butters is a class 4 (Power) angel with regular sized white, fluffy feathered wings that have golden outlines that fade into a light blue; Kenny is a class 5 (Duke) demon with big, black, fluffy feathered wings; Bebe is also a class 5 (Duchess) demon with no wings; Kyle's is a class 2 (Archangel) angel with regular sized black, fluffy feathered wings; Larry is a class 7 (Cherubim) angel with two pairs of white, fluffy feathered wings that fade into teal—though he also has some mysterious golden glow around him; and Michael is class 6 (Prince) demon with two pairs of large, black, fluffy feathered wings that he keeps hidden for some unknown reason.

Getting back on topic, I really don't want to get up from my bed, even though Bebe keeps reminding me to "Get up or you'll be late." She kind of acts my alarm clock-like mother figure sometimes. I reluctantly move out of my bed finally, already done with this day. After I get showered and dressed, I head out of my room, not bothering to fix my hair since it won't stay down away. Luckily for me, my other roommate Kenny had fixed coffee for us. So I grab and pour some in my mug, getting a bagel along the way to the kitchen table. Kenny was already sitting there, looking ready to go while eating cereal for breakfast again.

"Morning Tweekers." He tells me, using that childhood nickname that I still hate. I flip him off as I sit down to have my breakfast, which gets a laugh out of him. "Geez. Somebody's not a morning person today. What's gotten your feathers all ruffled?" I shrug in response, setting my bagel silently while taking sips of my coffee. He gives up trying to converse with me before I drink my coffee, finally.

After I've rinsed my mug and now have caffeine running in my system, he begins a new conversation with me. "I can't wait to see Bunny again! I miss rooming with him."

I roll my eyes at his words. "You just saw him last night. He was in here with us playing board games. You'll be fine before we get to school." He pouts at my truthful comment, but changes the topic.

"So, what do you think the school is like? I bet that the school is kind of divided by who is on what side by family trees." I accidentally let out a snort, which leads to me full out laughing. That comment was just too funny for me. When I finally calm down, several minutes later, I finally explain my reasoning to him.

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