Chapter 1: Meeting yuki

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Y/n was just your average guy who gets good grades at school and doesn't talk to anyone he wasn't very popular but ignored any sort of bullying since he didn't like to fight.

Y/n wakes up the next morning get dressed and head to school like any other day when lunch rolled around he is approached by this beautiful girl who y/n had little to no chance of being with.

Yuki: hi Y/n i was wondering if you could follow me i need to tell you something important.

Y/n hesitantly agrees and you both head to an unused classroom alone just the two of you yuki was breathing heavily it must be very urgent for her to be nervous.

Yuki: Y/n i love you i always have but i never had the courage to ask you but will you be my  boyfriend?

Y/n was wide eyed to hear that he couldn't believe it he can have a relationship with a girl who he had a crush on

(A/n): careful what you wish for

Yuki: So what do say? i love you with all my heart and will never leave you for anyone else

Y/n said yes which causes yuki to be happy and squealed in joy she had done it she had confessed her feelings to y/n.

The lunch period ends and we had to leave to class yuki gave her number and said to call or text later.

Y/n finishes the rest of school for the day and walks home but feels like something is not right

Y/n gets a text from yuki it said please don't leave me for anyone I'll be home soon. ❤

At first y/n thought it was just any other text but he had no idea what that text meant at the time so he just read it and headed to his house.

Y/n lived alone since his parents were on a business trip and really couldn't stay home so he had the whole house to himself.

After a while of resting y/n then hears the door bell ringing he gets up and answered the door it was yuki she had found him and  asked to come in.

Y/n invites her in and head to the bedroom talking about their  interests and other things.

Yuki: so i have to ask do you love me as much as i do or not?

Y/n confidently said yes with all his heart and wouldn't think of dating anyone or betraying her.

That seemed to calm yuki down knowing that y/n won't try to do anything funny.

Yuki then pulls y/n for a kiss and he blushed tomato red it was a surprise and didn't know how to react but kissed her back anyway

Eventually it was time for bed yuki and y/n spent alot of time talking kissing and just hanging out

Y/n offers her to stay the night it was the weekend after all and she looked tired to walk home alone

Yuki agrees and you both share the bed kissing occasionally until finally you both fall asleep

Y/n heard a whisper in his ear as he slept

Yuki: goodnight y/n.❤

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