Yuki's backstory

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Yuki grew up in a particularly bad area and was constantly bullied which drew her to be so very violent.

Any person who bullied her never walked away unscathed she would hurt them so bad that they needed to go to the hospital.

She never got suspended since everyone was scared of her even the teachers were scared.

Her parents had a very bad relationship yuki's mom was a nice woman and cared for her but her father was abusive and hit her if she misbehaved or if he felt like it.

After being abused so many times her mom came up with a way to kill him their lives were hell because of him all he did was drink alcohol and constantly beat yuki.

The plan was to slit his throat while he slept and her mom did the deed since yuki was too innocent to do it they succeeded and never got blamed.

The people thought he killed himself and the investigation was dropped there was his own fingerprints on the knife not theirs.

Yuki and her mom lived in peace and never spoke of that day seeing as it could lead to trouble with the police.

As she grew up her violent ways stopped and became a quiet shy person people thought she was a nice girl but underneath that facade was a very violent and dangerous girl.

When she started dating guys they left her since she came off as creepy and possessive finally after a while she stopped dating since it was painfully obvious that it would end up going wrong she was dumped over and over again.

Until her one true love Y/n came into her life she felt something that one fateful day they met a happiness a yearning a craving for y/n she wanted him and would do anything to keep him.

Yuki was an only child so there would be no sort of distractions like him dating anyone else she just wanted to feel love and experience it a wish that she had longed for.

Y/n was always nice to her and treated her with respect which is why she loved him so much and would give him undying attention to him and a good relationship.

As for her rivals she led them to abandoned places and beat them sensless or threaten them to stay away from Y/n or consequences will happen.

Y/n was constantly bullied and yuki was always there to protect him the bullies knew what she does to any other bully so they left them both alone and never bothered them again.

Regardless of her tragic childhood she learned over time to control her rage in public areas and give no mercy to anyone who started threatening Y/n.

Yuki would give her life to protect Y/n.

Her mother is okay with her certain tendency and doesn't bat an eye about it she only cared about her daughters happiness nothing else.

A/n: Tragic right i know tell me what you think in the comments this was originally a one shot idea but want to make more This is wolfie signing off 🐺

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