Chapter 8: Lost In Nightmares

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Dream pov:

Waking up you see classroom just filled with bodies and a girl in the front of you a psychotic grin and a pair of scissors from the looks of the girl she looked ready to kill

Waking up you see classroom just filled with bodies and a girl in the front of you a psychotic grin and a pair of scissors from the looks of the girl she looked ready to kill

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Y/n: Oh shit!

You run as fast as you could and end up hiding in another room hoping that whoever this person is won't find you she clearly had wanted to either torture or worst case scenario kill you.

Before you ran a psychotic laugh could be heard making the sense of dread a lot more worse how you got here is a mystery but you know enough that if you stay here in this place there will be no way of escaping if she finds you.

Footsteps can be heard as she tried to look for you calling your name out to find you the steps got louder until she was near the room you were hiding in they got even louder she is near the door.

Holding your breath she leaves and you calm down whatever this place is no doubt she killed all those people who could've she is the only person other than you.

Y/n: What the hell is going on?

Before you can think of anything to think next her creepy voice can be heard calling out to you and she sends a chill down your spine as she spoke.

???: Y/n im not going to hurt you i only want to talk and get to know you a lot better.

You decide enough is enough and get out of the classroom quietly and find a way out hiding is not going to help anymore and she will find you given enough time.

A note was on the floor with a message saying: Get to the main entrance and leave this place or be trapped here forever-unknown sender.

After reading the paper you hear the girl again and mind you she has a psychotic smile on her face worse than yuri's when she came to the house that one time but this was a lot worse.

???: Ah i finally found you y/n just stay there and we can love each other forever.

Y/n: Fuck this shit im out!

Along with the note you found a map of the building on it but it was awfully small and some parts were faded out badly even so you can still see the whole building and the paths to take.

Running for dear life you lose the girl and are near a janitors closet so you hide there for a moment to rest no doubt you have make a break for it and run one last time.

Y/n: who is she and how was i sent here?

I then hear footsteps approaching again my heart was pounding and breathing was getting harder she is near and if she hears a one tiny sound im dead on the spot.

Once again the footsteps stop and i leave the room to get to the main entrance of the building and sigh a breath of relief before i can leave the last thing i heard was a giggle behind me as i looked back my heart sank.

There in front of me was the girl again with that twisted smile and pulls up the scissors in the air and sends it down then i saw a flash.

You wake up hyperventilating to see yuki still sleeping beside and me in a cold sweat whatever that was it was just a bad nightmare but it felt so real.

Y/n: Thank god that wasn't real.

Calming down again you sleep again holding yuki for comfort as you fell back asleep it was just a bad dream and now that yuki is next to you it felt safe again.

Chapter end

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