Chapter 13: Choice 3 Ending

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This is what happened if you did not pick either one be ready to feel like crying or not it depends on you.

After that night of sex both of you make a promise to be a happy loving couple as she wanted yuki and you spent your days in peace and loved each other to death.

A/n: prepare to cry.

Yuki had no problem showing her unconditional love and always loved it when you both are there together with each other.

You noticed over time yuki got weaker and started coughing alot at times something wasn't right the coughing never stopped no matter how much of the cough medicine she took for relief it only lasted a few days and would come back worse.

One day something happened to yuki according to what you found out yuki was suffering from an unknown sickness an incurable one she was on borrowed time and time is not your friend.

Rebecca did the unthinkable and didnt tell you she wanted to spare the painful emotions but you had begged her to it didnt matter what you felt as long as you knew there was still time.

Running to the elevator to get to the floor to her room in the large hospital you find her and look in horror of what you saw she is in bad shape her face and skin was pale no color in her body as if she was white as a ghost.

Yuki wasn't contagious so it was okay to have any visitors in but time was running out you knew she didn't have long.

You come closer to yuki on her side of her bed and she sees you which you stay silent until she speaks making you want to cry but resist the urge to.

Yuki: Y/n? Is that you?

Y/n: Yes its me i heard the news and came as fast as i could your mom rebecca told me everything that was happening.

Yuki: How did you find out?

Y/n: i found out after my mom told me about you in the hospital i begged rebecca to tell me which she didn't want me to know after a long while she told me about it with her in tears i came as fast as i could on my motorcycle.

Yuki and you stare at each other until you break down i tears you didn't want to lose her so soon not after all you had been through with her your voice broke as you spoke.

Y/n (crying) I don't want you to leave me.

Yuki: I know y/n but-

You decided right then and there to tell her what you thought she didn't know anything of the hell you lived through not a damned thing.

Y/n: No you dont know without you im completely hopeless my life was a living hell and now that im going to lose you i have to go back to my old life and i can't live in this world not without you.

You cried loudly afraid to lose her so soon by this time you sat next to her on a chair beside her and she held your hand it took a moment to notice but when you did she had a warm smile on her.

Yuki: I love you y/n please live on for me ill see you again one day in another world i swear i will find you no matter how long it takes.

Y/n: I will always love you and i will never forget the good times we had i will find you one day im happy to have spent my time on earth with you.

You lean in for a kiss which made the pain go away as you kept on going with her you had meaning and happiness in your life.

The heart monitors flatlined as she took her last breath on earth you stood there in silent the girl you loved so much is gone and nothing can bring her back.

Y/n: Yuki .....please wake up.... Please come back....

Her body didn't move it was the harsh truth no matter how much you denied it she is gone now you were all alone no one left.

 Yandere Girlfriend X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now