Chapter 7: Stalker

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Getting to school the next day y/n feels that he is getting watched by someone it couldn't be mia ever since the day she tried to seduce him after that she wasn't heard from again.

As the day went on the feeling of being watched is getting worse and worse i look behind me to see nothing this is really getting so nerve wracking.

Y/n: This is getting creepier by the minute

The school day was boring like any other day and i felt that gut feeling something is behind me so i look bejind to see nothing just an empty street this is really getting on my nerves.

Y/n: I know someone's out there!

I speed walk home to not have to deal with this i get to the door and lock it also making sure every door and window in the building is locked i hear my phone ring from an unknown caller

Y/n: Hello?

???: im outside your house y/n❤

I look out the window to see a girl who i never met with a crazed twisted smile my heart sank as i saw that i run up to my room.

I look out the window to see a girl who i never met with a crazed twisted smile my heart sank as i saw that i run up to my room

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I lock the door to my room and call yuki fast no doubt she is after me whatever she is planning i do not want to be part of.

Y/n: Someone's after me

Yuki: What does she look like?

Y/n: Tall purple hair and purple eyes

Yuki: Crap its yuri listen to me do not leave the room i'll be there soon.

Y/n: Wait who is-


The call ended after that great just my luck not only am i trapped in my room i have a psycho girl looking for me downstairs things are not looking good.

I hear the door knock and stay quiet it had to be yuri and from the sound of her voice gave me chills.

Yuri: Y/n i only want to talk to you just come out i wont hurt you.

Yeah like i'll believe that she is not telling the truth she stalked me all the way home and is going to hurt me.

Yuki pov:

I run to y/n's house the door was open and i hear yuri upstairs she is trying to get inside the room i see her and snap at her.

Yuki: What are you doing here yuri?

Yuri: Oh look a person who is trying to take my love away from me well i can't have that now can i?

Y/n comes out of his room to check to see if she was gone but she wasn't making yuri close in on him.

I turn yuri around and start to beat her senseless she started to fight back both of us delivering blows to each other i hit her so bad in the face she gets dizzy and falls to the floor.

Yuki: Get up im not finished with you.

Yuri: Why don't we make this a little more interesting?

Yuri gives off an evil psychotic smile and pulled out a big knife slashing me causing me to fall on one of my knees.

Yuki: Agh!

Yuri laughs maniacally and closed in on y/n again to kiss him she succeeded on kissing him but y/n pushed her away.

Y/n: Get away from me!

Yuri: If you won't love me i will make you love me.

I manage to get up without her noticing and hit her causing her to knock out no one will hurt him while im around.

Y/n's Pov:

I see yuri knock out and see yuki in pain from the wound that's when we hear a few policemen storm the building and take yuri away to an insane asylum.

A few paramedics take care of yuki and her injuries which was a few bruises and a slash on her upper body near her chest i walk up to her and see she is happy to see me.

Yuki: Did she hurt you?

Y/n: Im okay

After a while the situation cleared up and they left to take yuri away you and yuki left to your house while yuki was resting you made dinner seeing as she saved your life.

You both start eating dinner and you noticed yuki staring at you concerned like she wanted to say something but couldn't.

After dinner you headed up to the room with yuki that's when you decided enough was enough its obvious something is bothering her.

Y/n: Are you okay yuki? its okay to tell me what's going on.

Yuki: I'm a monster am i?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Yuki: I beat up a girl to protect you risking my own life so she wouldn't take another breath on earth i know you don't love me.

She started to cry but you hugged her to give her some comfort if not for her you would have died and that is not to be forgotten.

Y/n: Your not a monster yuki if it wasn't for you who knows what yuri would have done i will love you always.

She kissed you deeply as you said that making her feel better soon you both make out with passion the pain from her injuries didn't hurt her as you kissed.

You stop kissing and lay in bed with yuki to sleep she started to cry a little more but you hug her again making her stop and hug you tight.

Yuki: Thank you y/n for always being there when i needed you.

Y/n: No problem and thank you for saving me no more tears yuki.

After enough time you both head to sleep for the next day

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