Chapter 6: Bully

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As y/n attended school the next day he walked with yuki to lunch the school day was halfway done and it was a good time for a much needed break.

???: What do we have here i see a wimp and a banging hot chick.

The guys name was Ash he was a bully that constantly punked y/n and made his life more difficult to live in ash loved talking really bad things about y/n and hurting him

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The guys name was Ash he was a bully that constantly punked y/n and made his life more difficult to live in ash loved talking really bad things about y/n and hurting him.

Yuki was dead silent i was very worried for her safety i can't let this guy hurt her no matter what i will glady take a punch for her.

People stopped and looked at us watching what's going to happen to us ash came closer and let him have it punching me hard.

As i fell to the floor holding my cheek ash was ready to finish me off but yuki stepped in before he could punch and talked to him

Ash: Why date a loser like him im better for you.

Yuki pulls him in for a kiss i felt like my life was done did i really get lied to this whole time?

Instead i see her move to his ear not kissing him but to tell him something she said it loud enough for me to hear it.

Yuki: How dare you hurt him?

I see ash get punched in the gut kicked in the crotch and his head slammed on a locker he fell to the floor in pain groaning that looked like it hurt.

Yuki pulls him up and she had murder in her eyes sending a cold chill down my spine how strong is she?

Yuki: Why don't you go date that blonde slut mia and never bully him again or i will hurt you worse enough to be bedridden are we clear?

Ash nods his head and is dropped to the floor yuki was staring at me concerned for my safety i only had a red mark on my cheek from the punch im glad he didn't break my jaw.

Yuki: Are you okay y/n?

Y/n: Im fine yuki i never thought you could fight so well.

Yuki: Living in rough areas taught me to fight well.

The people leave and we do too heading to lunch together we sit under a tree no one else around but us.

I grab hold of yuki holding her tight in my arms quietly sobbing yuki was there to comfort me.

Yuki: It's okay y/n its all over now no more tears.

A/N: y/n is very sensitive and can't handle some situations alone.

The day passed on like nothing no one dared to tell the principal yuki is not one to be messed with given by her reputation as a brute by other classmates making the whole school fear her.

Walking home they stop at a good restaurant known for delicious ramen y/n visits the place at least once a week the owner knows him and is his best customer

Kuro: Ah y/n whats your poison today?

I asked yuki what she wanted her response was very surprising i never thought that ichiraku pork ramen was her favorite.

A/n; Reference?

Y/n: Two bowls of Ichiraku pork ramen please?

Kuro: Coming right up.

The food is made in no time flat the place we visited is known by many and a very popular place to eat at.

After the food they left after y/n pays and leaves home with yuki to her house i ring the doorbell to see rebecca excited to see me and notices us holding hands.

Rebecca: Aww look at romeo over here taking my daughter and having fun with her.

I turn my head to the side trying to avoid her gaze blushing red it was true however we loved each other alot its not shameful to admit.

Yuki: Mother your embarrassing him.

Rebecca: Its cute to see him like that but i will admit i might have overdone it.

Y/n: Ah no your fine its only a joke nothing more.

Rebecca: Fair enough.

After that we went in the room to sleep tomorrow is going to be a long day

Chapter end

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