Chapter 3: Rival

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Y/n wakes up and gets dressed for the day knowing its the start of the week as he got ready he felt a sense of dread he heard noises when he left yuki's house

A text comes from his phone the sender was unknown he tried calling the number but it went to voicemail.

The Text Read- Come to the gym after school alone no one else.

Y/n didn't know who it was it wasn't yuki since she gave him her number if something happens or if he needed help.

He attended school and went to the gym no one in sight but sees a note and reads it sending a chill down his spine.

Note-Look Behind You Y/N❤

Y/n looked to see a blonde haired girl with blue eyes he knew her she was in most of his classes and constantly tried to seduce him

Y/n looked to see a blonde haired girl with blue eyes he knew her she was in most of his classes and constantly tried to seduce him

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Y/n: What do you want Mia?

Mia approached y/n and kissed him fully on the lips it surprised y/n but pushed her away he can't betray yuki.

Mia: I want you to be mine.❤

Y/n: Your fucking crazy i have a girlfriend you know.

Mia: Why date that slut yuki she really doesn't love you y/n i do and want to be there for you

Y/n had been through enough and ran out of the gym he promised yuki that he will not date or flirt with anyone he ends up hiding in the male bathroom taking deep breaths to calm himself.

Y/n: Mia is so damned crazy just kissing me like that she must be trying to use me.

A/N: Y/n is highy intelligent he is one of the smartest students in the school other than yuki.

Mia Pov:

I look for y/n i love him and want to be there for him so i can use him for my own personal benefits he comes from a rich family and i want to be spoiled.

Mia: Y/n where are you i want to talk there's no need to be scared.

I then find him running out the boys bathroom and i quickly tried to follow him but i lost him easily and end up in the main hallway.

Mia: Where did he go?

I gave up he would keep running and i can't catch him and have to leave its getting late mom will kill me.

I walk home hearing noises all around me making me frightened something was watching me and its near.

Mia: Who's out there?

No response just the cold wind blowing i speed walk to avoid the thing watching me and head to my house as im near the door to open it i feel a stab in the neck like something was injected.

My vision blurred as i turned around the figure was wearing a black cloak and a mask keeping the face hidden.

Thats the last thing i saw before blacking out hard on the floor unable to talk or move.

Yuki Pov:

Yuki: You will never take him he is mine and mine alone.

Rebecca: Is she under?

Yuki: Yeah lets go before anyone notices.

We put the girl in the trunk of the car and drive off now we could make her answer for her crimes.

A/N: This chapter was how the girl got in the basement in the first place

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