Chapter 11: Choice 1 ending

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This is the choice if you planned on telling her the night you had sex or number one.

As you held her in your arms you tell her of a thing you know a little secret.

Yuki: Oh? What is it?

Y/n: I know what you are and its a yandere.

Yuki looked very concerned and scared you would leave her but she asked how did you find out.

Yuki: How did you find that out? What gave me away?

Y/n: It started when you beat up ash so easily and the time with yuri also the little monster speech you gave kind of confirmed it.

Yuki was defeated unable to think but asked you out of desperation and fear if you wanted to leave her looking at yuki she is in tears sniffling unable to process the fact you know.

Yuki: Your going to leave me are you? go on just say it!

Staying silent you kiss her deeply and hug her tight she didn't really expect that to happen so she just cried burying her head on your chest the truth hurts its one of the most painful feelings of reality.

Yuki: Why? Im a monster but here you are calming me dowm.

Kissing her again she melts into the kiss making her happy or at the very least calm enough to listen.

Y/n: Its because i love you too much to think of losing you even if you call yourself a monster your my little monster nothing will ever change the fact that i love you do you still remember the promise?

Yuki had realized it she finally remembers the speech she heard while y/n was talking to rebecca  making her feel at ease and calm herself.

Yuki: You won't leave me?

Y/n: Whatever you want to do i will always be by your side you want a child? It will happen a new thing to wear? I will happily pay for it no matter the cost if it means to stay with you eternally.

Hugging her you both yawn and were about to fall asleep before you did something had to be said

Y/n: Goodnight my little monster and i hope we can forget this talk ever happened.

Yuki: Goodnight y/n and yes i never want to bring up this topic again also thank you for the best night of my life.

The two of you sleep knowing that either you or her will leave each other.

Timeskip: two years later

Two years ago today marks the day you and yuki did it for the first time remembering that night you made a promise to be there for her no matter what keeping that promise.

That night was special not just because of the first time you both had sex but it came to both your attention you were having two kids a few months later.

You and yuki were happy and had both a healthy boy and a girl their names were

Boys name: Sebastian

A/n: Black Butler

Girls name: Lucy

A/n: Fairy Tail/ Elfen Lied

After a year of caring for the two  children both you and her make a vow that can never be broken which was marriage you both did it after a year of graduating high school.

After the marriage had been done you made an eternal vow to live and love her until death but even death can't stop true love.

As you layed in bed with your wife yuki both you and her hold each other with your arms and gave a kiss to her until she spoke to you.

Y/n: Look at us three years ago we met at that school and now we have two beautiful children and are happily wed.

Yuki: Yeah its been a long road hasn't it i still remember most of everything that happened both in school and at home.

Y/n: Your way too young to be reminiscing like that yuki.

Yuki gives a pout but to think three years ago today yuki had confessed her love to you so today was really special.

This special day you made it to be remembered by making yuki breakfast in bed to start off next was a romantic walk to the park.

When night hit you paid your babysitter to watch your kids a romantic dinner was perfect for today and making reservations was a pain in the neck but worth it.

After a romantic night of dinner both you and her head back home to the two kids sleeping giving yuki an idea.

Heading to the room she sneak attacks you with a kiss and see the lust in her eyes again after so long its nice to see her old self again.

Yuki: Why don't we have some fun?~❤

A/n: Small lemon ahead its going to get hot and heavy.

Both of you and her undress then start making out each second that passed while kissing felt like an eternity.

The ferocity in her kissing made you crave her even more holding her up pinning her against the wall you pick her up and hold her up on a wall luckily the kids were asleep.

Yuki: i love it when you play rough~❤

Y/n: I'm just getting started~❤

Ready to get it over with you put your dick inside of her making her moan and started thrusting  inside her tight walls it got you even harder and more turned on

Yuki: Ahh y/n i love you~❤

Yuki and her moans were louder than ever its been over a year since you two had sex of any kind the kids kept you so busy but you both loved them to death.

The more the fun kept going you felt about to cum again and it was a big one before you can speak she kissed you since she knew you were ready

Yuki: Don't hold back i need it bad~❤

Then after locking your lips into a deeper kiss the loud moan you had made was muffled due to you and her in the kiss still.

Y/n: mmmph!~❤

Finally you ejaculate and it was alot which didnt stop and then flowed into yuki inside her womb both of you were panting heavily staring in each others eyes then giving her a kiss on the forehead
when you pulled your length out of her yuki was dripping everywhere.

Yuki: I can go all night y/n~❤

Y/n: Hmph well lets make this a night to remember~❤

You two did it all night long but yuki made sure she had a pill to not have any more kids two is enough after the final time she collapsed on your chest and she rested.

Yuki: What do we do now y/n?

Y/n: Whatever you want to do i will be there as always to support and love you every step of the way.

With yuki falling asleep you think alot about how much time passed in the span of three years you now had kids a wife and a good promise to keep.

Y/n: Til death do us part yuki❤

Chapter end:❤

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