Chapter 20 - Missing

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You sat with Harry in the Common room one Sunday. Draco had ran from the dorms and the common room very fast that morning. 

"(y/n), why don't we just talk to him. We both agree that he isn't normal right now." Harry said. you sighed, nodding. You stood and walked with Harry but didn't find Draco. Even with the few students that would talk to you hadn't seen him. You started to lose hope. Harry put his hand on your shoulder. 

"(y/n), I'm not trying to be rude, but you have to stop." Harry said. You looked at him. Harry looked at you with a stern face. 

"Draco is our friend. He is going though something and all we can do is be there from him, even if he won't talk to us." Harry said. You sighed, nodding. 

"Your right." You said, determination in your voice. Just then Neville, one of the few who did still talk to you, ran up to you and Harry. 

"Harry!" He yelled. 

"Hey Neville." Harry said but Neville looked worried.    

"Harry, I don't know how but you have to come quick!" Neville yelled and grabbed Harry, running. You ran after them.      

"Wait up!" You yelled. You followed them both up to the Gryffindor common room and into the boys dormitory. You looked and saw that Harry's bed was destroyed, as was his belongings. He and Neville where already cleaning it and you helped them, but noticed something off. 

"Harry. Do you have Toms diary on you?" You asked. 

"No, why?" Harry said as he finished. 

"It's missing." You said. He walked over, looking. You then remembered that Draco ran out of the common room fast this morning. 

"Draco has it." You said. Harry looked and you, as did Neville. 

"Umm, what Diary?" Neville asked. You looked at Neville. 

"Neville, have you seen Draco?" You asked. Neville shook his head. You looked at Harry, who nodded. You both knew you had to find him. You both walked out, leaving a confused Neville.

"OK, where would Draco be." Harry said. You thought. 

"Maybe Dumbledore or one of the Professors would know?" You said. Harry nodded and you all walked, but you a lot of foot steps. You felt Harry grab you and hind behind some pillars. You took a peak, seeing the Professors and Dumbledore, looking at a wall that was jsut out of your sight. 

"This is it. This is the end of Hogwarts." McGonagall said. You looked at Harry.

"Who is it? Who is it that they took?" Flitwick asked. You heard a sad sigh. 

"Draco Malfoy." Dumbledore said. You and Harry both covers your mouths so not to gasp. 

"We need to inform the parents. Come." Dumbledore said. Once the footsteps left, you and Harry stepped out from the pillar, looking at the wall. You both gasped as you read the blood writing.  


You looked at Harry, but he looked like he was thinking. 

"I think I know where he is." Harry said. You nodded and he grabbed your hand, running. 

"Remember when I told you a girl was killed fifty years ago?" Harry asked as you ran. 

"Yeah?" You said and saw that he was leading you to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. 

"What if she never left?" He asked, running in. Your eyes grew wide. 

"Oh, hello." Myrtle said. 

"Myrtle, how did you die?" Harry asked. She smiled. 

"Oh, it was awful." She said and explained how she died. You looked at the sink as she pointed. You looked, seeing a snake on one of them. 

"Harry." You said. He looked, and sighed. 

"Open up." He said. He must have said in in Parseltongue because the sink started to move and suddenly, the bathroom had a huge hole in it. You looked at Harry, grabbing his hand and you both jumped in.     

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