Chapter 72 - Class of Torture

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The next day was the start of your classes and you saw that you had the same ones as Crabbe and Goyle. You weren't shocked as Crabbe had your wand. When you woke up and came down the stairs, Crabbe grabbed your hand immediately and almost dragged you to the great hall for breakfast. Crabbe let your hand go so you can eat, but you sat between him and Goyle so you couldn't run.  

"Today is going to fun." Goyle said. You rolled your eyes as you ate, ignoring them. All you had to do was buy time for Harry and Draco so they can kill your father. You felt Crabbe take your hand and you sighed, getting up and following him. You saw other students like Neville and Dean look at you with sympathy. You could tell that they knew you didn't want this. Your first class was Defense Against the Dark Arts. It was taught by a death eater. 

"Alright class. I'm your teacher. Call me Greyback and today, we will be learning about the Cruciatus Curse." The man said. Whispers started to erupted in the class but the guy growled loudly and everyone became quiet. 

"That's better. Crabbe and Goyle, both of you come up here." Grayback said. Crabbe walked up and almost dragged you up there, not letting your hand go. 

"Alright, and you there." Grayback said and pointed to Colin and waved his finger, calling him to come up. Colin walked up slowly. 

"Alright. Crabbe. I know you have used the curse before, why do you show us?" Grayback said. Crabbe smiled, taking his wand out. Colin looked scared. 

"Gladly, Crucio!" Crabbe yelled. Colin fell to the ground, screaming in pain. You grabbed Crabbe wand. 

"Stop it!" You yelled. Crabbe glared at you and smacked you. 

"Don't interfere." Crabbe said. You glared at him. 

"And I won't let you hurt innocent students!" You yelled. Crabbe was about to hit you again but Grayback grabbed his hand. 

"Crabbe, stop. (y/n) is right." Grayback said. You saw Neville help Colin up and bring him to the back of the class while everyone was distracted. Crabbe lowered him hand and Grayback started to circle both your and Crabbe. 

"Who are we to stop her when she is so willingly to take the curse for everyone." Grayback said with a wicked smile. You looked scared. 

"W-what?" You asked. Grayback stoped and best down to your level. 

"Why should Snape have all the fun?" Grayback said as his smile grew. It made your blood run cold. He then stood and pointed his wand at the class. Everyone backed up in fear. 

"Make your choice (y/n). Yourself, or the whole class." Grayback said. You looked at the class and saw fear in there eyes and you knew your answer. 

"Me." You said. Grayback then turned, pointing his wand at you. Crabbe let your hand go. 

"Crucio." He said. You fell to the ground, screaming in pain. This time is felt like you were being boiled alive. It then stopped and Crabbe took your hand, forcing you to your feet.

"Alright class, next time we all will do it on her. For the rest of class though, I want you all to take notes on how to do the wand movments." Grayback said. Everyone was silent but Crabbe and Goyle were laughing. 

"(y/n), with this and Snape's lessaons, you will be so broken, you will be like the Longbottems." Goyle said. Neville was sitting in front of you and you saw him freeze. 

"Shut up you two." You said loudly. Crabbe and Goyle looked at you and Crabbe smacked you again. 

"Do not talk to us that why." Crabbe said and started to talk and laugh with Goyle again. You looked at Neville's back, wishing you could apologize. If the other classes where like this, then this year will be harder then ever.              

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