Your quirk

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Midoriya ~  Element - Your quirk can control nature. For instance water, fire, earth, air.
Drawbacks - If your not careful, you can create natural disasters.

Bakugou ~ Waterfall - Your quirk let's you shoot out massive amounts of water from your hands at once.
Drawbacks - In order for your quirk to be affective, you need to drink lots and lots of water. You can also get dehydrated if you over use your quirk.

Todoroki ~ Shape Shifting - Your quick allows you to shape any part of your body into an object.
Drawbacks - Before you shape shift an object, you need to know what the object is made of and how it is structured. Your body will start to ache in the area when you form a new object and if you over use your quirk.

Iida ~ Teleportation - Your quirk allows you to teleport to places that are far away.
Drawbacks - You need to know what is around or in the area, so you don't hurt yourself or others. You can also get very dizzy if you teleport so much at a time.

Kirishima ~ Multiplying - Your quirk let's you create and give an illusion of multiple forms of you.
Drawbacks -  The more forms you create, the weaker you get. When you overuse your quirk your whole entire body will ache.

Kaminari ~ Animal Shifting - Your quirk allows you to shift into animals.
Drawbacks - To shift into an animal you need to have touched that animal or understand it's nature and physical appearance. If you stay as an animal for too long, you start to act like that animal.

Shinsou ~ Telekinesis - Your quirk allows you to be able to move objects without having to touch it.
Drawbacks - When you overuse your quirk you get migraines.

Dabi ~ Future Vision - Your quirk allows you to see the future a day before it happens.
Drawbacks - You can get major migraines. If you are distracted or there is any noises around you, you can't focus and see the future.

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