Where they like to kiss you

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Midoriya ~ Cheek, he likes how soft, squishy, and warm it is.

Bakugou ~ Lips, he loves how plump and soft they are. Plus he likes to catch you off guard depending on how he kisses you.

Todoroki ~ Forehead, he feels it's a good way to show his love in public and with you two alone. It's very comforting for him and you.

Iida ~ Nose, he always loves to boop it too. It amazes him how tiny it is compared to his, he thinks its adorable.

Kirishima ~ Cheek, he loves how much you get flustered and that when he does it it tickles you. He loves to see you smile and laugh every time.

Kaminari ~ Lips, he gets excited every time he does it, you always kiss back and he gets butterflies.

Shinsou ~ Neck, he loves how warm it is and he can just lay his head there. He's even fallen asleep in the position before, you feel bad for having to wake him up.

Dabi ~ Neck, he loves to bite it and tease you. Just feeling you squirm under him gets him excited and wanting more.

Aizawa ~ Cheek, he loves how he can always kiss your cheek where ever you guys are and feel you smile. You always look at him afterward and kiss his cheek, makes him feel loved and happy.

Monoma ~ Top of your head, it's funny to him whenever you look up at him, but it's also so adorable and he just wants to cuddle you right then and there.

Shigaraki ~ Hands, since he can't decay you because of your quirk, he loves feeling hands other than his own. Your hands are so soft and smooth and fit so well in his, almost like puzzle pieces that match.

School and me are NOT getting along right now, I do not see the canvas notifications 😳

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