First argument (pt 1)

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Midoriya ~ You ran to the hospital, you had just got a call that Izuku got injured, again. You're extremely worried, but there's another part of you that is upset. You don't want him to get getting hurt because of his quirk. "What room number is Izuku Midoriya in?" "Room 218." The receptionist replied calmly. "Thank you!" You speed walked to his room, not wanting to cause an accident or disturb anyone. You gently knocked on the door. "Come in." You opened the door and closed behind you. Immediately, you ran to Izuku hugging him, crying. "Hey hey it's ok. I'm alright! Aren't I always?" He says softly hugging you back. "It's still s-scary every t-time I get a ca-ll." "I know." He starts to pet your hair which helps you calm down. You open the gap from between you two and give him a stern look. "You alright (Y/N)?" "No I'm not alright! I'm sick and tired of you continuesly getting hurt! One day it will flash back on you and damage you permanently!" "W-What are you saying?" You look down. "That maybe you should not use your quirk as much..." Silence fills the room. "You really want me to do that? I'm becoming a hero!" You look up, surprised to hear Izuku Midoriya yelling. Especially at you in an angry matter. "Yes I understand that but you are getting seriously hurt! I can't have you damaging yourself!" "You don't even understand all the things I've gone through to make it to U.A! This quirk! I am not giving up now and not ever!" "Fine! Don't come to me when you're injured!" "Already planned on it!" You violently grabbed your jacket and left, face practically red. You ran back home, crying.
All I wanted was for you to be safe...

Bakugou ~ It was the end of the day and everyone was just chatting. "Dekuuu!" Your hot-headed boyfriend yells. "Here we go again..." You hear Mina say. "Come here you bastard!" "Y-Yes Kac-chan?" "Who do you think you are acting all 'cool' out there? You're nothing! And never will be!" You always told Bakugou to lay off of Midoriya, but of course he won't listen. It angers you how rude he is him for no reason. "You are just stupid, weak, Deku!" You grit your teeth and clench your fists, trying not to say anything. "Shut up Katsuki!" You yell, failing to be quiet. "He has done nothing to you and you are still so rude to him! Izuku is a very nice person and for some reason you can't seem to get that!" He looks at you, shocked and angry. "It's Deku! He's useless! I don't even understand how he got into U.A!" You slam your fists on a desk. The whole room is filled with an uncomfortable silence. You hide your face, grabbing your bookbag and walk out the room.

Todoroki ~ Shoto was usually always mad at his father, but would never take it out on you. That is until now... You were sitting with him in his room. Usually he was more talkative and cuddly, but he hasn't been for a couple of days. "Are you alright Shoto? You've been awfully quiet these past few days." You smile up at him to try and lighten the mood. He's turned away from you though, looking at a window. He gives you a quick glare, then turns towards the window once more. You look down and frown. You reach out to hold his hand. "Shoto you can tell me anything, I'll understand-" "How can you possibly understand what I'm going through? How my life is!" He violently squeezes your hand. "S-Shoto, that h-hurts..." You whimper, tears pricking out of your eyes. "Oh how can you possibly understand pain? You've always gotten what you want!" You try to rip his hand off of yours, failing to do so. He gives you a death stare. "Sometimes I don't understand why I'm even with you. All you do is distract me. You complain and whine when you don't get your way. It's annoying." By now your face is covered in tears. Your hand feels numb. "P-Please just let m-me g-o..." You bite your lip through the pain. He violently lets go. Your hand is red and limp. You start to choke on your tears as you quickly run out, almost tripping.

Iida ~ Iida sometimes gets, strict I guess you would say. You thought it was just a thing he would do in school, but then he started to act like that outside of school. You wanted to cook a meal for you both. You were slicing up tomatoes, then after that you looked at the recipe again. You set the knife down, not realizing that it was towards you. "(Y/N)!" Suddenly Iida barged in, yelling your name. You dropped your phone, praying that it didn't crack. Quickly, you bend down the pick it up. "Oh thank goodness. It didn't break!" You hug your phone, realived. "Don't you know that it's not safe to have a knife pointing at you? You could stab yourself!" You give him an annoyed glare. "Yes I understand that love..." He runs over to the pot. "You need the handle to be pointing away from you! So you don't run into it and cause a mess!" You were starting to get frustrated. "You need to put in the potatoes right now for the best flav-" "Shut up! You treat me like a baby all the time! Well guess what? I'm not, I know how to handle myself! And if you know so much, why don't you cook?" You look him dead in the eyes. "I'm leaving. Cook the meal yourself!" You grab your coat and run out the door. He was speechless, and guilt quickly hit him.

Kirishima ~ Eijirou is very protective of you, that's for sure. Sometimes he gets carried away. Claiming how he needs to be the manliest man there ever was. He wants to be the best he can be for you. You highly appreciate that it's just, he acts like your a helpless little princess in need of saving. Which you are definitely not! You can fight your own fights! So you tried to explain to him how you feel about the subject. "But I have to protect you at all costs!" "I understand that Kiri, but I'm not a helpless little girl!" "(Y/N) you don't understa-" "Understand what? You make me feel like a weak little child! I'm not! I am a strong, independent woman, who doesn't need a man for saving! That's for damn sure!" You both just stare at each other, tears coming from your eyes in frustration. "I'm going to get some fresh air..." "But (Y/N)-" "And don't follow me!" "Ok..." He whispers, looking down in shame like a puppy.

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