You make up (pt 2)

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Kaminari ~ He didn't talk to you for the rest of the day. Just watched you from afar and gave you your space, since he knew you needed it and he messed up. You could feel him staring at you, but of course you chose to ignore it. You damn well knew you were not going to apologize first, sure you made a scene but it was well deserved. Luckily all the girls were there for you and Momo apologised. "Oh Momo it's ok! It's not your fault don't feel bad!" He decided to wait till the end of the week to say something to you. You were in your room, eating ice cream and watching Netflix to try to distract you from everything right now. Your phone starts to ring and you see the contact name, Pikachu 💛💫. You pick the phone up but debate if you should even answer. "Fine," you sigh out. You bring the phone up to your ear and hear a less energetic Kaminari. "Hey (Y/N)." "Hey." "Can we talk?" You were disappointed he decided to do this over phone. "Sure." "In person?" Nevermind. "Ok, where do you wanna meet?" "I can just come over to you! If that's cool." You responded with a mhm. "See you soon." "See you." You groan and go to put your favorite ice cream away and fix your hair. As you walk back to your room you hear a knock at the door. 'That was quick.' You open the door to see him standing there with your favorite candy and a stuffed pikachu. "I have a feeling you were already close." He nods, "Yep!" You can't but smirk at this, classic Denki. You let him in and close the door. He sets the things he bought you down gently and faces you. He looks almost like he is gonna cry. He then bows down as low as he can and continues to apologize. "I know I'm a huge flirt and I can be very inappropriate and that's not ok! I promise I've never done anything with another girl and never will! And I also to promise to stop being so flirty and slap myself every time I do!" He looks up at me, tears brimming in his eyes. "I don't ever want to see the face you had that day. It broke me, and I can't imagine how you felt!" I gasp, "Denki!" You go over to him and hug him. "Look it's not ok how you've been acting that's true. But I forgive you." You hear is crying get worse and you run your fingers through his hair to calm him. "It is ok." "I don't want you to ever feel unloved again. I'm so so sorry."

Shinsou ~ You immediantly regret everything you just did. How you acted just like your father. Terrible memories start to overflow and you go to take a pill to ease your nerves. You quickly pass out and wake up the next morning. You see texts from Shinsou of him apologizing and him hoping you're ok and feel better soon. Even more guilt builds up and you call him with no hesitation. He picks up almost right away. "Hitoshi!" "(Y/N)? Are you ok? I'm really sorry I-" "No, I am so so sorry! I've just been so depressed lately, and I didn't want to tell you because it's just embarassing, and I didn't want you to feel responsible for me. I didn't want to lash out on you and hurt you or something but I ended up doing that. I'm a terrible person and girlfriend, I know. I swore to myself to never act this way, to never act like certain people, but I'm just so helpless." "(Y/N)... Kitty it's ok. I wish you told me how you were feeling. No matter what I will always be there for you an help you through things. You can always vent to me and explain things, I'll always understand love." You start to cry. "I-I just ne-eed to se-e y-you, a-and ho-old y-you... p-please." "I'm on my way." The call ends. You scroll through your phone and look at pictures of Hitoshi and you. You can't help but smile and take in how much of a great boyfriend you have. "I'm so spoiled." Your boyfriend opens the door to your room and quickly goes to hug you. You hug back and take in his lavender sent. He picks you up and lays you on his chest and starts to run his hands through your hair. "I'll always be here kitten, always know that." "I love you, I promise to be better."

Dabi ~ Shigaraki looks over at Dabi with a slight smirk (I AM IN LOVE WITH THAT SALTY HAND MAN), "Nice going." Dabi rolls his eyes and follows you. He goes outside knowing it is an escape for you, he was right, and sees you watching traffic with your eyes closed. He just silently stands next to you, taking in your facial features. He closes his eyes too. "I really didn't mean it like that. You have a great, useful quirk. We all need you. And of course, I need you. You seem to be the one person to really understand my beliefs and thoughts. It's comforting, and special." Dabi usually never confesses these things or gets really sappy. Now you open your eyes and take in his facial features. Despite what everyone says you think his scars are you beautiful, you look at them as battles he's won, or trophys. You smirk, "Ok softy, when did u learn to be so romantic?" He opens his eyes and looks to meet them with yours. Your eyes have always amazed them, how they almost have a glow to them. "W-Whatever." You snicker, "Did you just stutter? Did the one and only Dabi, really just stutter?!" He rolled his eyes and smirked, putting his arm over your shoulder. "Only for you babe! And don't tell the others, especially not hand man." You wrap your arm around his waist. "Ok ok deal."

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